Friday, June 13, 2014

Revlon Colorstay Concealer - review

Revlon Colorstay Concealer - shade 03 light medium
Revlon Colorstay Concealer - shade 03 light medium

Today I am reviewing a concealer that I bought last summer, somehow I did not manage to review it yet. I am talking about Revlon ColorstayConcealer, shade 03 Light Medium. It is a concealer intended to cover imperfections, conceal blemishes and dark circles with an undetectable coverage.

Astazi va vorbesc putin despre un anticearcan pe care l-am achizitionat vara trecuta, dar am omis sa-i fac review pana acum. Ma refer la Revlon Colorstay Concealer, nuanta pe care am ales-o fiind 03 Light Medium. Este un anticearcan menit sa acopere  cearcanele si alte imperfectiuni ale tenului, oferind totodata o acoperire naturala.
Revlon Colorstay Concealer - shade 03 light medium
Revlon Colorstay Concealer - shade 03 light medium

My opinion about Revlon Colorstay Concealer / Parerea mea despre anticearcanul Revlon Colorstay

Revlon Colorstay Concealer is a lightweight, fluid concealer with a creamy consistency which depending on what you want, it offers medium to full coverage without looking cakey or without emphasizing fine lines. It camouflages dark under eye circles pretty well and looks really natural (if you choose the right shade of course). My shade is a little dark right now, I am waiting to get tanned so I can use it again. It comes with a sponge applicator which is not hygienic but I only use it for dark circles, not for pimples and I find the sponge applicator really handy.

Revlon Colorstay Concealer este un anticearcan cu o consistenta fluida/lichida, cremoasa ce ofera o acoperire medie spre mare fara a incarca zona de sub ochi si fara a evidentia ridurile. Camufleaza eficient cearcanele, aratand totodata foarte natural (bine-nteles, daca alegeti nuanta corecta). Eu am o nuanta cam inchisa pentru tenul meu, dar astept sa ma bronzez putin ca sa-l pot folosi din nou. Este prevazut cu un aplicator de burete (cred), care nu este prea igienic, dar folosindu-l pentru cearcane, nu pentru cosuri, nu ma deranjeaza, il gasesc foarte practic.
Revlon Colorstay Concealer - shade 03 light medium [review]
Revlon Colorstay Concealer - 03 light medium
I hope you manage to see a difference in this picture (it's not very accurate) / Sper ca observati diferenta, desi pozele nu redau exact realitatea:

Revlon Colorstay Concealer - shade 03 light medium (before/after, without powder)

One of my friends,  Elena is a make-up artist and she uses Revlon Colorstay Concealer for bridal make-up and I think that says it all.  
If you want a concealer to last all day with minimal creasing, I suggest using a setting powder. After powdering use thermal water to set the make-up. Thanks, Elena for all the tips I got from you!:)

She also mentioned that this concealer is hypoallergenic, but the one that I got does not specify this.

Una dintre prietenele mele, Elena este make-up artist  si foloseste anticearcanul Revlon Colorstay  pe mirese si cred ca asta spune totul despre calitatile lui. 
Daca doriti ca anticearcanul sa se mentina intact (sau aproape intact) toata ziua, fara a se strange, va sfatuiesc sa folositi o pudra pentru fixare, este un sfat pe care mi l-a dat Elena. Tot ea m-a sfatuit ca, dupa aplicarea pudrei, sa folosesc apa termala pentru a fixa machiajul. Multumesc pentru toate sfaturile, Elena!

Overall, I am really happy with this concealer and I will probably repurchase Revlon Colorstay Concealer after I finish my Clarins Instant Concealer (which I will review later on), but in a lighter shade. 

In concluzie, sunt foarte multumita de achizitie si probabil il voi cumpara din nou dupa ce termin anticearcanul pe care il folosesc in momentul de fata, Clarins Instant Concealer (voi face review si pentru el), dar voi alege o nuanta mai deschisa.

Have you tried Revlon Colorstay Concealer? Do you find it efficient?
Ati folosit anticearcanul Revlon Colorstay? Vi se pare eficient?
