Thursday, June 5, 2014

Review: Bomb Cosmetics 'Cornflower & Juniper Berry Bath Creamer'


Bomb Cosmetics este un brand care vinde produse cosmetice handmade, confectionate din ingrediente naturale, "pe cat posibil"(asta specifica site-ul oficial). Trebuie sa mentionez faptul ca acest brand, la fel ca si Lush, lupta impotriva testarii pe animale. Stiu ca acest lucru este foarte important pentru multe dintre voi in momentul in care achizitionati produse cosmetice. Desi este un produs marca Bomb Cosmetics, l-am primit din partea Lush Romania, el facand parte din noua colectie ce se vinde in magazinele Lush.

Bomb Cosmetics is a company that sells handmade cosmetics, made from natural ingredients ('whenever they can' they state on their official site). I should mention that, same as Lush, they fights against animal testing, cause I know this is an important issue for lots of you when buying beauty products. Although it is made by Bomb Cosmetics, I was sent Cornflower & Juniper Berry Bath Creamer by Lush Romania and they told me that the creamer is part of their newly launched collection. 
Cornflower & Juniper Berry Bath Creamer 
Descriere: O minge cremoasa din unturi de cacao si shea, rostogolita prin petale de albastrele si boabe de ienupar este ca un pansament pentru pielea uscata si deshidratata.
Cu ulei de rozmarin tonifiant si ulei esential de cedru care are un rol in scaderea tensiunii nervoase si calmarea depresiilor; cu arome de frezie si iarba proaspat taiata ce iti ofera un rasfat asupra caruia vei dori sa revii.

Official description: 'Rolled in real Cornflower petals and real juniper berries, and pressed with rich moisturising Cocoa and Shea Butters, all designed to moisturise and condition your skin. With toning Rosemary and Cedarwood essential oils. A fresh, floral Freesia heart mingles perfectly with top notes of green grass'. 

Cum se foloseste: "Aruncati mingea in apa calda, iar aceasta se va topi incet. Extractul din boabe de cacao si untul de shea vor hidrata intens pielea. Cremele noastre de baie contin uleiuri esentiale ce vor face ca baia sa devina un adevarat rasfat aromat. Nu uitati sa strangeti petalele de flori din cada, pentru a nu pata cada."

Directions for use: Drop your Bomb Cosmetics Bath Creamer into a warm bath and it will fizz softly, releasing its moisturising Cocoa and Shea Fruit Butters into the water to moisturise your skin. Our Bath Creamers also contain wonderful perfumes and essential oils to make your bath smell beautiful. Please ensure you wash any petals away from the bath after use to prevent accidental staining.
Parerea mea:
Crema de baie se prezinta sub forma de minge/bila (arata ca o minge de golf, avand diametrul de aproximativ 4 cm) si are un aspect foarte natural si dragut, chiar se pot vedea o parte din care este alcatuita. Cand am primit acest produs de la Lush, m-am bucurat foarte mult fiindca toate produsele primite de la ei miroseau atat de bine! Puteti citi review-urile mele AICI si AICI.

Totusi, Cornflower & Juniper Berry Bath Creamer nu a fost chiar pe gustul meu. Si cand spun asta ma refer la faptul ca mirosul a fost destul de delicat, ma asteptam sa miroase mai puternic, asa cum miros produsele Lush pe care le-am folosit pana acum. Producatorul spune ca creamer-ul are un miros floral-fresh de frezie cu note de varf de iarba proaspat taiata ... hmmm, poate daca citeam descrierea inainte sa folosesc biluta, as fi detectat aromele astea... Pentru mine a mirosit ca o crema obisnuita, mirosul acela clasic de crema, putin dulce, nu mi s-a parut sa aiba un miros deosebit, cred ca ii lipsea putina personalitate. Iar acest lucru si-a lasat amprenta si asupra persistentei mirosului pe piele, nerezistand prea mult timp.

Pe de alta parte, mi-a placut ca pielea a ramas hidratata, moale, fina la atingere, boabele de cacao si untul de shea chiar avand un efect pozitiv asupra pielii.
Daca va plac mirosurile delicate si nu vreti sa va 'imbatati' cu mirosul:D, v-o recomand pentru o sesiune de rasfat, dar sa nu aveti asteptari exagerate cum am avut eu:D

Aaaa, inca ceva...daca nu vreti sa faceti baie inconjurate de flori si bobite de ienupar, nu uitati sa o puneti intr-un saculet (sau intr-un ciorap taiat, pe care-l legati dupa ce ati introdus bila) inainte de a o arunca in cada. Eu am preferat sa o folosesc fara saculet, imi place ideea de a face baie printre flori:)

My opinion:
This handmade bath creamer has the form and size of a golf ball (4cm in diameter) and looks really natural and pretty, you can see some of the natural ingredients it is made from. I was so happy to receive another bath product from Lush because all the products I got from them were amazing! You can read my previous reviews HERE and HERE.

However, Cornflower & Juniper Berry Bath Creamer didn't quite meet my expectations. By that, I mean that I found the smell really delicate, I was expecting the strong, nice smells of the Lush products. They say that it smells like 'fresh floral Freesia with top notes of green grass'...hmmm, maybe if I read the description before having the bath, I would have detected these smells... To me, this one smelled just like a normal cream, nothing special, I think it lacks some personality. And being so delicately fragranced, the smell didn't last long on my skin.
On a different note, the skin felt nourished, soft and nice to the touch, the Cocoa and Shea Butter really made a difference to the skin.
If you like delicate smells you can try this one. I recommend it for a nice, pampering session, but don't expect too much as I did:D
Oh, and don't forget to put it in a bath sachet before dropping it into the water, if you don't want flowers and berries floating around you, it is a little messy and you have to clean afterwards. But I like the feeling of taking a bath surrounded by flowers:).

Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Fruit Butter, Parfum (Fragrance), Centaures Cyanus (Cornflower) Flower, Juniperus Communis (Juniper) Fruit, Cedrus Atlantica (Cedarwood) Bark Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Coumarin, Hexyl Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Hydroxyisohexyl 3-cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, a-Isomethyl Ionone.

Puteti achizitiona produse Bomb Cosmetics de AICI, iar creamer-ul folosit de mine il gasiti AICI.
You can purchase Bomb Cosmetics from their official site.

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