Tuesday, May 13, 2014

*My favorite hair treatment: Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair for dry, porous, damaged hair | review

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 Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair for dry, porous, damaged hair

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 Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair for dry, porous, damaged hair

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 Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair for dry, porous, damaged hair

Lately I've been wanting to test a professional Keune hair mask so when I got the chance to get one, I decided to choose Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair for Dry, Porous, Damaged Hair and I will tell you from the start that I find this mask fantastic! For my bleached, coarsed, porous, dehydrated blonde hair which looks like straw, this is just perfect, it is better than Macadamia Deep Repair Mask (that I really liked) or MoroccanOil, I just see better results. I think my hair needed more than the hydration my hairstylist recommended, it needed nutrition as well. And I'm so happy I found this little 'gem'!

In ultimul timp mi-am dorit sa achizitionez o masca de par Keune, o tot vedeam prin magazinul de unde imi cumpar produse de par, asa ca atunci cand mi s-a oferit posibilitatea sa aleg un produs de pe site-ul m-am bucurat si am ales rapid Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair pentru par uscat, poros, degradat. Este un site cu produse profesionale pentru machiaj, par, unghii, ingrijire a corpului etc; au produse deosebite, de la marci precum Wella, Londa, OPI, Astor, Parisax, Keune, Alfaparf Milano, Kativa etc... merita sa aruncati o privire si sa faceti o mica gaura in buget:)). Exista si o rubrica cu promotiile actuale.

I've been colouring my hair for such a long time, I had even used a flat iron for a while and my hair just needed something more than my usual products. I needed to smooth it, de-frizz it and make it look sleek without the flat iron and this is the only product that really managed to make it look sleek and silky. 
It contains essential minerals, Keravis* and microproteins that improve the elasticity of the hair. I googled *Keravis: 'Extremely powerful proven hair strengthening complex. Has dual action; penetrates the hair shaft to increase moisture content and plasticity of the hair, and coats the hair to lubricate and reinforce the cuticle'.

Va spun din start ca este o masca de par excelenta! Pentru parul meu decolorat, uscat, poros, deshidratat, ca matura:D este perfecta, mai eficienta ca Macadamia Deep Repair Mask sau MoroccanOil! Am ajuns la concluzia ca parul meu, agresat de vopsiri repetate si indreptat cu placa, avea nevoie de ceva mai mult decat hidratarea sugerata de hairstylist, mai exact avea nevoie si de tratament nutritiv. Era necesar sa il fac sa devina moale si disciplinat, sa aiba un aspect placut, sanatos si lucios fara a mai apela la placa, iar acesta este singurul produs care a reusit sa faca asta. Si ma bucur tare mult ca am descoperit aceasta 'comoara'!
Contine minerale esentiale pentru par, Keravis* si microproteine, ingrediente ce ajuta parul sa devina mai elastic. Am cautat pe Google ce reprezinta *Keravis: "formula puternica ce are capacitatea de a intari firul de par, atat la interior, cat si la exterior".

How to use/ Cum se foloseste

Apply to towel dried hair and massage lightly. Leave in the hair for 3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

Se aplica masca pe parul umed si se maseaza usor. Lasati-o sa actioneze timp de 3 minute. Clatiti abundent.

Consistency/ Textura

Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair for Dry, Porous, Damaged Hair has a vanilla-yellow colour, a thick consistency (thick consistencies are perfect for dry hair, easy to work with and they coat the hair better than thin masks) and a creamy texture which offers the much needed nutrition and hydration to a coarse hair, smoothing the hair cuticle. It just seals the hair cuticle, making it healthy by trapping moisture and preventing frizziness. My hair is just silky soft now. I use it once a week cause it is a heavy hair mask and just apply a tiny amount in order not to weigh my hair down. I think it will last me ages so it is worth the money
Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair Pentru Par Uscat, Poros, Degradat are o culoare galben-vanilie si o consistenta densa (acest tip de consistenta este perfect pentru parul uscat, se poate aplica usor si invaluie firul de par mult mai bine decat mastile mai lichide) si o textura cremoasa ce ofera nutritia si hidratarea de care are nevoie un par aspru si rebel, sigiland firul de par, lasandu-l moale si cu aspect sanatos. Parul meu este in acest moment moale ca matasea, nu exagerez. Folosesc masca doar o data pe saptamana pentru ca este o masca mai "grea", nu as vrea sa imi faca parul sa atarne greu si fara viata. Si sunt atenta sa nu aplic prea mult produs o data. Sunt convinsa ca o sa imi ajunga pentru o perioada lunga de timp, asa ca isi merita toti banii.

Smell/ Miros

I like to open it and smell it from time to time:). It reminds me of vanilla ice cream, although I'm not sure the smell is that of vanilla. It smells nice, sweet but not overpowering and it lingers on my hair for a long time which is nice.
Imi place sa o deschid si sa o miros din cand in cand:). Ma duce cu gandul la inghetata de vanilie, desi nu este un miros clasic de vanilie. Are un miros placut, usor dulceag, fara a fi prea puternic si persista timp indelungat in par, lucru care imi place.

Packaging/ Ambalaj

The packaging is really nice, looks elegant. It comes in a rigid plastic gray jar with a white cap and it looks much bigger than other 200 ml. jars. 
Ambalajul este dragut si elegant. Este ambalata intr-un recipient din plastic rigid, de culoare gri, cu capac alb care se insurubeaza. Cand l-am primit mi s-a parut foarte mare, arata mult mai mare decat alte recipiente de 200 ml. 

Ingredients/ Ingrediente

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 Keune Care Line Intensive Hair Repair - Ingredients
Where to buy: HERE

Price: £13.50 Being a professional product, it is a little on the pricey side but you get excellent results. As I said, none of my other products worked like this one.

Unde il gasiti:  AICI
Pret: 87 ron. Fiind un produs profesional, este putin mai scump, dar merita, rezultatele sunt excelente. Dupa cum spuneam, nici unul din produsele folosite anterior de mine nu a dat rezultate precum acesta.


I would definitely buy this over and over again!/ L-as achizitiona de nenumarate ori!

Have you tried this mask? What's your holy grail mask for dry, damaged hair?
Ati incercat aceasta masca? Care este masca voastra preferata pentru par uscat si degradat?