Sunday, May 4, 2014

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' | review, photos, swatches

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' | review, photos, swatches
Eyeshadow: Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' | review, photos
Eyeshadow: Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'
Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' | review, photos - 01
Eyeshadow: Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'
Eyeshadow: Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'
Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' | review, photos - 07
Eyeshadow: Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'
Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' | review, photos - 010
Eyeshadow: Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' eyeshadow - swatch
Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' eyeshadow - swatch

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' eyeshadow - swatch
Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' eyeshadow - swatch

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate'

I haven't post an eyeshadow review for a long time mainly because lately I've been allergic to something, probably nickel - according to my allergist - which is found in most of the eye make-up products and not only. I used to have puffy eyelids and it still happens sometimes cause I'm using eyeliner and mascara which contain some amounts of nickel; a LOT of food contains nickel as well (in case you know/think you're allergic too, here's an article about nickel allergy) and it's hard to be on a nickel free diet. This is why I've tried to avoid eyeshadows for couple of months. I switched to Clinique eyeshadows two months ago, knowing they are hypoallergenic, but I still felt a burning sensation while wearing it. Luckily, last time when I tried to wear it, it hadn't irritated my eyelids in any way though, so...I still have hopes! I don't want to go in depths about nickel allergy because most of you are probably not interested and the subject of this post is the Clinique "Pink Chocolate' eyeshadow, not the allergy.

Nu am mai postat articole despre farduri de ochi cam de mult timp deoarece in ultimul timp am dezvoltat o alergie la nichel - din spusele medicului alergolog - iar nichelul se gaseste in majoritatea produselor de machiaj destinate ochilor si nu numai. Cam de un an aveam  pleoapele umflate in fiecare zi si inca mi se mai intampla fiidndca nu am renuntat complet la machiaj, folosesc eyeliner si mascara care, de asemenea, contin nichel; foarte multe produse alimentare contin acelasi ingredient, nichelul (in caz ca esti/crezi ca esti alergica la nichel, aici poti citi mai multe) si este foarte greu sa am o dieta care sa excluda nichelul. De aceea am incercat sa evit folosirea fardurilor de ochi. Am avut cateva tentative de a folosi acest fard de ochi de la Clinique, in speranta ca fiind hipoalergenic nu imi va cauza neplaceri, dar inca din momentul cand l-am aplicat am simtit ca ma ardea putin pleoapa, dar nu s-a umflat. Totusi, ultima data cand l-am folosit, nu am mai avut aceasta senzatie de disconfort. Asa ca mai am o farama de speranta ca voi putea sa folosesc paletuta asta mai des in viitor fiindca e tare draguta . Nu vreau sa intru prea mult in amanunte despre alergia la nichel  pentru ca probabil nu sunteti interesate, iar subiectul acestei postari este fardul Clinique "Pink Chocolate", nu alergia.

Clinique All About Shadow Quad in 'Pink Chocolate' is such a pretty quad with such a sweet (like chocolate:)) name! As the name suggests, it consists of pink and brown shades which are right up my alley, offering a soft neutral look for daytime and a more dramatic look for nighttime.

There are four shades, both shimmery and matte: there is one matte pale pink (almost white) eyeshadow, a matte light brown, a shimmery pink and a dark brown with some sparkle. 
The texture of the Clinique 'Pink Chocolate' quad is soft and silky and there are no fall-outs.

The pigmentation differs, the pale pink needed a heavy swatch probably because is pretty similar to my skin tone, but the others have good pigmentation. The lightest shade is really pretty on the eye though, I use it as a base on the entire upper lid and on the inner corner of the eye, it really brightens the eye and makes me look more awake. I use it on the brow bone as well.
The swatch that I did on my hand is without primer, I only applied a moisturizer before. With primer the shades would be more intense.

Clinique All About Shadow Quad in 'Pink Chocolate' este o paleta de farduri care arata foarte bine si are un nume foarte dragut! Asa cum sugereaza denumirea ei, este alcatuita din farduri roz si maronii exact pe placul meu, ce ofera un look natural si elegant potrivit pentru zi, cat si un look mai accentuat pentru seara.
Paleta contine 4 nuante, unele mate, altele sidefate: un roz pal aproape alb, un maroniu deschis mat, un roz sidefat si un maroniu inchis cu ceva particule stralucitoare. Textura fardurilor din paleta Clinique 'Pink Chocolate" este fina si nu  cad pe obraz cand sunt aplicate.
Puterea pigmentului difera, rozul pal a trebuit sa-l aplic de vreo 4-5 ori ca sa se vada bine in poza, probabil din cauza ca se aseamana cu nuanta pielii, dar restul au pigment bun. Nuanta cea mai deschisa arata totusi foarte bine cand este aplicata pe pleoape, o aplic ca baza pe intreaga pleoapa mobila si in coltul intern al ochiului si lumineaza frumos privirea. O folosesc si pe zona de sub sprancene.
In poza, fardurile sunt aplicate fara primer, am folosit doar o crema hidratanta. Peste un primer vor arata mai intense.

The packaging is nice and elegant, feeling luxurious: it has an elongated form and comes with a silver lid, which can be used as a mirror. The only downside is that the lid retains fingerprints easily. There's a proper mirror inside the lid which is really helpful if you travel and two applicators which I don't use cause I prefer to use an eyeshadow brush.

I wish I could use this Clinique quad more often cause it's really beautiful, but for the moment - as I said - I try to avoid eyeshadows, hoping that my eyelids area will become less and less sensitive in time.
Exteriorul ambalajului este dragut, aratand elegant, chiar luxos: are forma dreptunghiulara si este dotat cu un capac argintiu, ce poate fi folosit chiar pe post de oglinda. Singurul dezavantaj este ca raman amprentele pe el si trebuie mereu sters. 
Pe partea interioara a capacului se afla o oglinda, lucru foarte practic in cazul calatoriilor si nu numai, si doua aplicatoare cu buretei pe care eu nu le folosesc deoarece prefer folosirea unei pensule de ochi.
Mi-as dori sa pot folosi paletuta aceasta mai des fiindca e superba, dar momentan incerc sa evit acest lucru, in speranta ca folosind mai rar fardul de ochi, pielea va deveni din ce in ce mai putin sensibila. 

Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' eyeshadow - ingredients
Clinique All About Shadow Quad 'Pink Chocolate' - ingredients
Where to buy: You can find it on Clinique, Sephora etc. 
Unde o gasiti: O puteti achizitiona din magazinele Sephora, Douglas etc. (eu am cumparat-o din Douglas)

Do you like Clinique 'Pink Chocolate'? Have you tried Clinique eyeshadows?
Va place Clinique Pink Chocolate? Ati folosit farduri de ochi Clinique?

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