Monday, March 24, 2014

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water - the inexpensive alternative for Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution [review and photos]

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water review

I could not resist trying another micellar water, I find them really practical that they don't need washing. After trying Bioderma and L'Oreal (I haven't reviewed the Bioderma one but you can read the L'Oreal Micellar Cleansing Water here ), this time it's the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water I am reviewing. I wanted to see if this is worth the hype cause everyone seems to like it and the price is much cheaper, which is more intriguing.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water, like all the micellar waters, removes make-up, cleanses and soothes skin, being suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It is dermatologically and ophtalmological tested and this was the reason I decided to try this out cause my skin has been really sensitive lately. Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water can be used onto face, eyes, lips and does not contain perfume.

Nu am rezistat fara sa cumpar inca o lotiune micelara, imi plac fiindca sunt practice, in sensul ca nu necesita clatire. Dupa ce am folosit Bioderma si L'Oreal  (Bioderma nu a beneficiat de review, dar parerea mea despre lotiunea micelara L'Oreal o puteti citi aici), a venit momentul sa scriu un review si despre lotiunea micelara Garnier. Imi doream sa aflu daca este atat de buna cum am tot citit prin review-uri, am observat ca majoritatea bloggeritelor sunt incantate de ea, iar pretul este foarte bun in comparatie cu Bioderma, ceea ce o face si mai interesanta.
Lotiunea Micelara Garnier, la fel ca si celelalte lotiuni mentionate mai sus, indeparteaza urmele de machiaj si murdarie, curata in profunzime si are efect calmant asupra pielii, fiind folosita pentru toate tipurile de piele, inclusiv pentru cea sensibila. Este testata dermatologic si oftalmologic, acesta fiind motivul pentru care am decis ca pot sa o folosesc, avand in vedere ca pielea mea este sensibila in ultimul timp. Lotiunea micelara Garnier poate fi folosita pentru a curati fata, ochii si buzele, un lucru important fiind acela ca nu contine parfum (iritant).

I've been using it for more than a week to remove my make-up and I must say it's really good, I find it almost identical to Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelle Solution...and the bonus: it is much cheaper!!! It removes all the make-up easily, leaving skin soft and soothed. It is very gentle, I haven't experience any irritation at all, I can apply it safely on my skin without any itching or tingling sensation and without irritating my eyes at all. It leaves skin really clean, there's no need to wash your face afterwards, but I usually wash it.
I should mention that I haven't tried it with a waterproof mascara though, some bloggers complain that it does not remove the water resistant mascara so easily.
I also like the big bottle it comes in, made of clear plastic with a pink cap, resembling the Bioderma one. The cap hole is small enough not to spill too much on the cotton pad, although in this picture looks huuuuge:)

Am folosit-o timp de o saptamana pentru a indeparta machiajul si vreau sa spun ca este foarte buna, o gasesc aproape identica cu Bioderma Sensibio H2O ... iar bonus: este mult mai ieftina!!! Indeparteaza machiajul cu usurinta, lasand pielea moale, calmata. Este foarte blanda cu pielea, nu mi-a iritat-o in nici un fel, o pot aplica cu incredere fara sa simt vreo senzatie ciudata pe fata sau in zona ochilor (ca pisca sau arde, cam asta simt cand aplic anumite produse). Lasa pielea curatita in profunzime si nu este nevoie sa imi spal fata dupa ce o folosesc, dar eu de obicei ma spal pe fata dupa ce folosesc lotiunile micelare.
Mentionez ca nu am folosit-o totusi pentru indepartarea machiajului  rezistent la apa, am vazut cateva fete nemultumite ca nu ar indeparta asa usor mascara waterproof. 
Imi place si ambalajul, sticla de 400 ml din plastic cu capac roz, iar orificiul prin care curge lotiunea nu este prea larg, desi in poza de mai jos pare imeeens:)

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

The bottle has 400 ml, they say it should be enough for 200 uses.

I will end this review by saying that Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water comes as a big surprise for me, it did not let me down in any way, it's just perfect! Inexpensive and efficient! (remember I haven't tried it with waterproof mascara though). 

Asa cum am spus mai sus, sticla contine 400 ml produs, iar cei de la Garnier spun ca ar ajunge pentru 200 utilizari. 
O sa inchei acest review prin a spune ca pentru mine Lotiunea Micelara Garnier reprezinta o surpriza placuta, nu m-a dezamagit absolut deloc, pot sa spun ca este perfecta! Eficienta si ieftina! (nu uitati, totusi, ca nu am testat-o pe mascara rezistent la apa).

Price: click here
Pret: eu am achizitionat-o la un pret de aproximativ 22 ron, daca imi aduc bine aminte, din DM. Posibil sa fie mai ieftina in supermarket.
Aqua/Water, Hexylene Glycol, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate, Disodium Edta, Poloxamer 184, Polyaminopropyl Biguanide.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water ingredients
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water - ingredients

Have you tried Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water? Like it or not?
Ati folosit Lotiunea Micelara Garnier? Ce parere aveti despre ea?



  1. E de calitate, nu-i asa? Eu vreau sa o incerc pe cea de la L'Oréal ;)...foarte fain articolul si pozele! Pup

    1. Da, imi place si mie. Ia-o si pe cea de la L'Oreal si faci comparatie si cu aia:). Multumesc, te pup si eu.

  2. si eu vreau sa o cumpar..da saptamana asta iau banii deci...trecuta pe lista :)

  3. This seems wonderful i would love to try it! Unfortunately it is not available in my country :( SIGH!

    1. Maybe you can find it online, it is a great micellar water.

  4. Amin!
    Si mie imi place foarte mult. Ma gandesc sa-mi fac un stoc mare, mare, mare. ;))

    1. Haha...ce tare esti! Nu cred ca dispare prea curand astfel incat sa nu o mai gasesti niciunde:)

  5. I love Garnier products I need to track this one down want to try it great review.

  6. Pe cele de la Bioderma si L'Oreal le-am incercat,urmeaza aceasta.
    Pupici.O saptamana frumoasa!

  7. E deja pe lista, ma bucur sa stiu variante mai ieftine pentru cea de la Bioderma. xo

    1. Da, e bine ca apar, mi se pare prea scumpa Bioderma :*

  8. I've recently ordered this one and cant wait to recieve it now after reading your review :)

  9. Glad you like it! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. I'm looking forward to try this cleanser. I swear by bioderma but was disappointed in the L'Oreal one.

    1. L'Oreal did not disappointed me, but this one is better.

  11. hello, I do not know if there is water in Italy micellar garnier, I'll try to watch ^ ^
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  12. E si pe lista mea, dar trebuie sa o gasesc in magazin si cum orasul meu e mic, curand nu cred ca o voi gasi, dar voi pune mana pe ea cand ajung in Auchan sau undeva :D

  13. Prea o laudati asa ca a trecut si pe wishlist-ul meu :)))
    Te pup! :* :* :*

    1. Eu zic sa o incerci, nici nu stii ce pierzi:)). Te pup si eu, multumesc de comment:)

  14. Great review! I might have to get my hands on this and see how it performs! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. Try it, it is a good micellar water, it's a great dupe for Bioderma micellar water.

  16. This seems to be a nice product, I would love to try but dont know if I could get it easily.
