Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A product I regret buying: Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mistique Haute Iron Spray [review and photos]

Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mistique Haute Iron Spray review and photos

I think you have already noticed that I prefer to write about products that I really like because they inspire me and I feel happy sharing the positive aspects with you. But today I want to review a hair product I don't use it anymore because it personally let me down...not entirely but enough not to use it anymore for the purpose I bought it for. Cause I had high hopes regarding it.

Cred ca ati observat deja ca prefer sa vorbesc despre produsele care mi-au lasat o impresie pozitiva, imi place sa va impartasesc experienta mea legata de ele. Dar astazi m-am gandit sa scriu despre un produs pe care nu-l mai folosesc deoarece m-a 100%, dar destul cat sa ma faca sa nu-l mai folosesc. Fiindca aveam sperante destul de mari de la el.

Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mistique Haute Iron Spray review and photos
Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mistique Haute Iron Spray

It is a hair spray intended to care for your straight style with a formula which makes it resistant to heat up to 450 F (converted this means around 230 C). This ultra fine spray should help prevent moisture loss while providing impeccable straightening and illuminating shine to your hair.This is the first Tigi product I ever used, it is made in US and I admit I had been lured by its amazing smell! It has kind of sweet fruity smell (I think it's cherries but I'm not good at describing smells, I just like them or not). I like the smell but I find it too strong if I spray this couple of times on my hair. If you don't like sweet strong smells I wouldn't recommend it to you!

Este un spray de par ce ofera protectie termica pana la 230 grade Celsius. Formula sa ultrafina mentine parul hidratat, oferindu-i stralucire si mentinandu-l drept. Este primul produs al brandului Tigi pe care il folosesc, este fabricat in SUA si recunosc ca am fost ademenita de mirosul lui delicios! Are un miros fructat, dulce (cred ca de cirese, dar nu sunt buna la descris mirosuri, pot sa spun doar daca imi plac sau nu). Deci, dupa cum spuneam, mi-a placut foarte mult mirosul cand vanzatoarea mi-a prezentat produsul, dar mi se pare prea puternic daca il aplic pe tot parul. Daca nu va plac mirosurile dulci, nu vi-l recomand deloc!

How I used it: I used to apply it slightly on my damp hair in order to get some protection while using a hair dryer, than I applied it again on my dry hair before straightening it with my flat iron. Yes, kind of too much for such a sweet smell...

Cum l-am folosit: L-am aplicat pe parul umed pentru a mi-l proteja atunci cand folosesc uscatorul de par, apoi l-am aplicat din nou pe parul uscat si am asteptat sa se usuce inainte de a folosi placa de intins parul. Da, poate putin cam mult pentru un miros asa dulceag...

The result: The purpose I bought this was to protect and keep my hair straight while using this amazing flat iron infused with Moroccan Argan Oil. It left my bleached hair shiny, soft, heat protected, no need to say strongly scented (I sensed the smell even the next day, in a good way this time because it wasn't as strong as the night before). But I was let down by the short results regarding sleek, frizz-free hair as compared to my previous products used: Wella Professional Thermal Image Heat Protection Spray. The one I review today does not have the power to maintain sleekness for least not on my bleached hair and especially if the weather is humid. Wella Professional Thermal  Image Heat Protection Spray  performed much better leaving my hair in perfect condition for more than three days in the same humid conditions.
And if you have very thin hair, Tigi Catwalk Sleek Mistique Haute Iron Spray will weigh your hair down, making it probably greasy.

Rezultate:  Am cumparat acest produs in special pentru a-l folosi la indreptatul parului cu placa aceasta, o placa super buna, imbogatita cu ulei de argan din Maroc. Parul meu fiind destul de agresat de vopsiri repetate cu nuante mai deschise decat culoarea mea naturala, mi l-a lasat totusi stralucitor, moale, protejandu-l. Mirosul se pastreaza pana a doua zi in par, a doua zi chiar miroase placut, nu mai este deranjant deloc. Dar am fost dezamagita de cat de putin se vede rezultatul pe par, nu reusea sa se mentina drept, fara sa se electrizeze sau sa se onduleze putin, spre deosebire de Wella Professional Thermal Image Heat Protection Spray.
Cel despre care va vorbesc astazi nu are puterea sa-l mentina drept mai multe zile ... cel putin parului meu decolorat nu-i face fata, mai ales daca vremea este umeda. Wella Professional Thermal  Image Heat Protection Spray se comporta mult mai bine, lasandu-mi parul in stare optima pentru minim trei zile, in aceleasi conditii umede.
Iar daca aveti par cu fir foarte subtire/fin, parul va atarna prea greu, posibil sa-l ingrase.

Final thoughts: I will not buy it again because of the short term results and although I enjoy the smell, it is too strong when applied on hair.

Concluzie: Probabil nu il voi reachizitiona din cauza rezultatelor nesatisfacatoare si a mirosului prea puternic

What are your thoughts about these products? Have you tried them? 

Care  este parerea voastra despre produsele mentionate? Le-ati folosit? 



  1. Nu cred ca am folosit vreun produs Tigi, insa il cunosc pe cel de la Wella, care este genial; doar ca eu inca nu am gasit produsul care sa imi pastreze parul drept dupa ce il indrept cu placa :( totul se strica dupa cateva ore de la indreptat...groaznic

    1. Nici Wella nu face fata la parul tau? Esti negresa si ai pus poza de profil cu o blonda?:)). Mie mi-a mentinut parul drept, am fost incantata de ea. Mi-a fost recomandata de o coafeza :*

    2. Macar daca as avea par de nici un caz, insa; e normal parul meu, des dar cu fir mai subtire si ondulat putin; da, si eu tot la coafor ma fac cu placa, iar produsul tot de acolo il cunosc...deci iti dai seama daca nici la placa coafezei nu-mi sta pleata...:)))) am un par defect

  2. Great review nice product.

  3. I was disappointed in this product too. likely, it was just a small sample bottle that I got in a beauty box so I didn't waste any money :)

  4. nu am folosit niciodata nimic de la ei, dar aveau vreo 2 produse pe wishlist.

  5. Great review sweetheart...thx for sharing..:-)

  6. that's a shame it didn't meet your expectations, usually tigi products are really good X

    1. I haven't tried any other Tigi product, but this one is not good for me.

  7. I never try this product before but thanks for your review I know I should skip this product next time.
    Check out my NEW POST and let me know what you think. I'll be really appreciate, thanks!

  8. nice products!

  9. I never seem to have any luck with these kind of products. I have very thick wavy hair and it certainly has a mind all it's own

    1. If you have thick hair, I'm sure you have a hard time styling it:)

  10. Good job i didnt buy it :/

  11. Such a shame it wasn't all you wanted it to be x

  12. Cum nu am folosit vreodata placa sa-mi intind parul, nu ma pot pronunta. Am avut un produs de la Farmec, dar nu l-am folosit, unii spun ca e bun, altii ca nu. Cert e ca are un pret mic.

    1. Eu am avut doar asta si Wella, iar Wella e excelent.

  13. inca nu am folosit produse de la ei! nu prea folosesc placa!

    1. Nici eu nu am folosit altceva, e singurul care l-am incercat.

  14. la vremea umeda de aici, pot sa-mi dau parul cu ce vreau eu, tot se va "zburli". :))
    Acum am sprayul de protectie termina de la Syoss, dar vreau sa-mi iau unul Tresemme, ma papa degetele! :))

    1. Tresemme as incerca si eu. Da, la vremea din UK as arata ca o matura:D

  15. great review dear :) xx
