Saturday, February 1, 2014

Win a Free Header/Logo Design for Your Blog!!!! - International Competition [Closed]

contest win header logo design
Dear bloggers, this post is for you!:)
I'm sure you already know how important it is to have a beautiful header/logo to your blog. It is the first thing the readers notice and in a matter of second they decide whether they remain or  just leave the page.
Maybe some will continue to read even though your blog header is not good quality or good design, but the odds are that many will leave or will not be impressed. This is why your blog header/logo is very important, it shows that you are professional and put a lot of effort into it. Not to mention that if you want to collaborate with companies, this becomes imperative, they wouldn't want to associate their names with a bad quality blog design.

Today you have the chance to enter my competition to win a custom header/logo design (of your choice) for your blog designed by my good friend Claudia from  LL Studio, she is a graphic designer and she was kind enough to offer you this opportunity. So, here's what you have do if you want to win (all the steps are mandatory):

Dragi bloggeri, aceasta postare va este dedicata!:)
Sunt sigura ca stiti cat de important este ca blogul vostru sa aiba un header/logo frumos. Este primul lucru cu care cititorii intra in cantact si, in cateva secunde, ei decid daca raman sau parasesc pagina voastra. S-ar putea ca unii sa continue sa ramana pe pagina voastra chiar daca logo-ul nu este de calitate sau nu are un design placut, dar multi vor pleca fara a ramane impresionati. De aceea, felul in care header-ul/logo-ul arata este relevant, arata ca esti profi (chiar daca nu esti:)) si ca depui eforturi pentru a avea un blog cat mai bun. Sa nu mai spun ca daca iti doresti sa colaborezi cu companii, acest lucru devine necesar, nu cred ca vreo compania ar fi incantata sa isi asocieze numele cu un blog de calitate indoielnica (chiar daca este vorba doar de design-ul blogului).
Astazi va ofer sansa de a va inscrie in concurs pentru a castiga un header/logo personalizat pentru blogul vostru, creat de buna mea prietena Claudia de la LL Studio in colaborare cu voi, ea este graphic designer si a avut amabilitatea sa imi/va ofere aceasta sansa. Iata care sunt pasii pe care trebuie sa-i urmati daca va doriti sa castigati (toti pasii sunt obligatorii):

2. Follow me publicly on GFC (Google Friend Connect) - you can find the widget on my blog's sidebar, under the 'search this blog' field.
3. Share this contest PUBLICLY on your Facebook page.
4. Follow me on Twitter HERE
5. Tweet about this contest: I entered this contest to win a free header/logo for my blog here:
6. Leave a comment under this post with the following:

a) Your Facebook username.
b) Your GFC username.
c) The URL of your public share on Facebook.
d) Your Twitter username
d) The tweet URL (click HERE to find out how to get the URL)
e) Your email address where I can contact you if you are the winner.

1. Dati like paginii mele AICI si paginii LL STUDIO AICI
2. Urmariti-mi blogul prin GFC (Google Friend Connect) - puteti gasi widget-ul pe bara laterala a blogului, sub caseta "search this blog".
3. Share-uiti acest concurs in mod PUBLIC pe pagina voastra de Facebook.
4. Urmariti-ma pe Twitter AICI 
5. Scrieti pe Twitter despre acest concurs: M-am inscris in concurs pentru castigarea unui header/logo pentru blogul meu aici:
6. Lasati-mi un comentariu sub acest articol in care sa mentionati urmatoarele:

a) Cu ce nume ma urmariti pe Facebook
b) Cu ce nume ma urmariti pe GFC  
c) URL-ul share-ului PUBLIC pe Facebook.
d) Numele cu care ma urmariti pe Twitter
d) URL-ul tweet-ului ( puteti citi aici cum sa aflati URL-ul)
e) Adresa de email la care puteti fi contactat/a daca sunteti castigator/castigatoare.

Important: The winner will have to link back to this post.
This contest is OPENED INTERNATIONALLY and will end on February 22, 2014 at 10PM. The winner will be chosen by and will be announced by mail. The winner will have 48 hours to answer to my mail, otherwise I will choose another winner by Good luck!

Castigatorul va trebui sa puna link catre aceasta postare pe blogul sau. 
Concursul este INTERNATIONAL si data limita de inscriere este 22 februarie, 2014, ora 22. Castigatorul va fi ales prin si va fi anuntat pe mail. Castigatorul va avea la dispozitie 48 ore sa-si revendice premiul, in caz contrar voi alege un alt castigator tot prin Mult succes!

UPDATE:The winner is:

Felicitari, Enache Cristina! Te voi contacta pe mail.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. a) Jevgenija Naumova Triantafillu
    b) Random mama
    d) @RandomMamaJen

  3. Buna, draga mea !
    Imi face o deosebita placere sa particip si eu la concursrul tau, caci ma chinui de ceva timp sa gasesc si eu headerul potrivit. Intrand pe blogul meu( ), vei oberva cum arata el acum. Am ales drept obiect ca sa ma reprezinte o floare, si anume, floarea-soarelui. Aceasta cred ca ma reprezinta cel mai mult si mi-as dori sa apara in structura noului header, daca voi fi eu norocoasa castigatoare.

    Sunt tare incantata de acest concurs.

    Numele facebook este Loredana Vlaescu(linkul catre pagina prietenei tale este catre un profil personal, asa ca nu pot da like, dar am adaugat-o la prieteni).
    Am dat share aici:
    Te urmaresc prin GFC de mult, cu numele Loredana Vlaescu. Pe twitter am numele unique_handmade, sau doar handmade si am postat aici:


    Multumim pentru acest concurs minunat !

  4. It's such a great gift!!
    I can't follow u on Twitter because I dont have one.I hope it's not a problem :).
    Facebook-Beauty & Fantasy GFC-Rumyana Petrova
    I shared this on my Facebook Page-

  5. Nume Facebook : Vanyna Bodea
    GFC : Vanyna
    Share Facebook :
    NumeTwitter : @Vanyna89
    URL-ul tweet-ului :
    Adresa de email :

  6. Cristiana Alexandra - numele de facebook
    Cornea Cristiana- numele pt gfc
    Cristiana Alexandra- numele de twitter - adresa de email - share facebook - share twitter

    Mi se pare foarte ingenioasa ideea ta de concurs si imi doresc foarte tare sa castig!!
    Zi faina,

  7. Done all. Here are my details:

    Facebook: Dollie Solanki
    GFC: Dollie Solanki
    Twitter: @indianshringar
    Tweet URL:

  8. FB: Andreea Sirba
    Share FB:
    GFC: Andreea Ristea
    Twitter: nu am cont

  9. Fb - Enache Cristina
    Share fb -
    GFC - Domnisoara Christine
    E-mail -
    Share Twitter -
    Twitter -DomnisoaraChris
    Draga mea multumim pentru acest concurs minunat - imi place mult - pupici !!

  10. Olivia this is so sweet of you to offer this as a prize.. I just had my blog made over and I am so grateful that another blogger did it for me...

    I wanted to thank you for the really lovely comment on my blog

    I am following you on GFC and Bloglovin now ... have a lovely weekend :)

  11. Nice post

    Will you like to follow each other?
    New Post Fashion Talks
