Monday, February 17, 2014

*My Lush addiction goes on with It's Raining Men and Honey I Washed the Kids - reviews and photos

 Lush It's Raining Men and Honey I Washed the Kids

Dupa fascinatia pe care mi-a oferit-o sarea de mare Lush Twilight (puteti citi review AICI), a venit momentul sa va vorbesc despre alte doua produse Lush: gelul de dus It's Raining Men si sapunul Honey I Washed the Kids...ce nume dragute, nu-i asa?
Cei de la Lush denumesc asa frumos produsele! Asa cum spuneam in postarea anterioara, Lush este o companie din Marea Britanie ce incorporeaza ingrediente naturale in produse handmade, dar ceea ce nu am specificat este faptul ca ei lupta impotriva testarii pe animale, lucru de care multe dintre voi tineti cont cand cumparati cosmetice.

After the fascinating Lush Twilight Bath Bomb moment I told you about (review HERE), it's now time to talk about another Lush products: It's Raining Men Shower Gel and Honey I Washed The Kids Soap...cute names, isn't it? I love how they name and describe their products! Like I mentioned in my previous review, Lush is a UK based company that uses natural ingredients into their handmade products and something I forgot to mention is that Lush fights against animal testing, which I know is an important thing for many of you when considering buying cosmetics.

Descrierea in limba romana este urmatoarea: "Un gel de dus vegan pe care il poti folosi si pentru par, cu flori de lotus si miere. Avand portocale dulci racoritoare fresh, ulei de bergamota relaxant si un miros puternic de caramele, "It's raining men" va indulci iubirea dintre tine si partenerul tau."
Lush It's Raining Men este un gel de dus ce miroase a miere si caramele, combinat cu floare de lotus, ulei de portocale si bergamota. Este considerat versiunea lichida a bestseller-ului Honey I Washed the Kids (descris mai jos), asa ca daca va place cum miroase sapunul, mai mult ca sigur va va placea si gelul de dus. Are un miros interesant, tropical, foarte "addictive", eu ma spal de mai multe ori pe zi cu el pe maini doar ca sa am ce mirosi, fiindca miroase delicios! (n-as putea spune ca are un miros foarte dulce fiindca aroma de portocale taie din "dulceata"). Consistenta este cremoasa iar culoarea este asemanatoare mierii combinata cu caramele topite. Imi place ca face destul spuma, spre deosebire de multe produse naturale, si lasa pielea moale si frumos parfumata pentru cateva ore. Gelul de dus poate fi folosit si pentru spalarea parului, dar eu nu am incercat deocamdata.
Este recomandat pentru pielea sensibila datorita mierii care calmeaza pielea iritata.
Ambalaj: Sticluta este din plastic transparent maleabil cu capac si dozator negru, prin care nu se prelinge produs daca se inchide bine capacul. Orificiul prin care se dozeaza produsul nu este foarte larg, astfel ca reusesc sa torn exact cantitatea dorita, fara a risipi inutil produsul.

Pret: 31.80 ron/100g    57.80 ron/250g  96.80/500g pe site-ul Lush Romania

The description on the bottle is as it follows: 'God bless Mother Nature! For giving us all the honey and exotic flowers we've squeezed into this bottle. Sweet, softening gel for honey scented hair and skin.'

Lush It's Raining Men is a shower gel that smells like honey and toffee, combined with lotus flower, wild orange and bergamot oil. It is said to be the liquid version of the bestseller Honey I Washed the Kids Soap (described below), so if you like the soap you will probably like this shower gel as well. It has an interesting, really addictive tropical scent and I often wash my hand just to smell them for hours cause it smell so delicious! (although not very sweet because there's the orange smell which counteracts the sweetness). It has a creamy consistency and a golden color just like toffee and honey combined, lathering well and leaving skin soft and scented. The scent lingers for couple of hours. This shower gel can also be used as a shampoo but I haven't tried this yet.

Due to honey ingredient, it can be used to soothe sensitive skin.

Packaging: The bottle is made from malleable transparent plastic with a black cap that does not leak when closed properly. The cap hole is not to large, being easy to pour just the right amount, without wasting too much product. 

Price: 4.50 £/100g.     8.95 £ /250g.   15.45 £ /500g. HERE

Ingredients/Ingrediente: Honey, Rosehip, Lotus Flowers, Tiger Lily Infusion, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Water, Perfume, Propylene Glycol, Sweet Wild Orange Oil, Bergamot Oil, Titanium Dioxide, *Limonene, Geraniol, Citronellol, *Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate, Amyl Cinnamal, Lilial, Methylparaben
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel - ingredients
Aaaa, imi place detaliul acesta de pe ambalaj, nu-i asa ca este dragut? / Oh, I like this detail on the bottle, it says it was made by Kamila at 09/08/13 :
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Lush It's Raining Men shower gel
Fiind un bestseller Lush, Honey I Washed the Kids este "fratele" gelului de dus It's Raining Men mentionat mai sus...asta insemnand ca produsele au cam acelasi miros si aceleasi ingrediente: acelasi miros de caramele si portocale care da o stare de bine. Printre ingredientele sale mentionez uleiul de cocos, ceara de albine, uleiul de portocale si bergamota. Are o consistenta cremoasa si face destula spuma, lasand pielea fina si placut mirositoare pentru cateva ore, la fel ca "fratele" sau. Eu il folosesc mai mult pentru maini, pentru ca la baie folosesc gelul de dus, dar daca nu as avea gelul as folosi sapunul.

Pret: 28.80 ron pe site-ul Lush Romania

A global bestseller, Honey I Washed the Kids is the brother of It's Raining Men Shower Gel above...meaning that their scent is similar: the same yummy toffee-orange scent that lifts your mood and makes you think of eating caramels and oranges. The soap is made of coconut oil, beeswax, wild orange and bergamot oil as main ingredients. It is creamy and lathers well, leaving skin soft and nicely scented for couple of hours. I prefer to use it for washing my hands because I have the shower gel, otherwise I would use it in the tub.

Price: 3.40 £/100g. HERE

Honey Water, Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed Oil and Coconut Oil, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Water, Sodium Stearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Perfume, Beeswax, Sweet Wild Orange Oil, Bergamot Oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Gardenia Extract, Titanium Dioxide, Geraniol, Citronellol, Lilial, *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate
*occurs naturally in essential oils

Lush soap -  Honey I Washed the Kids
Lush soap -  Honey I Washed the Kids
Lush soap -  Honey I Washed the Kids
Lush soap -  Honey I Washed the Kids
In concluzie, ma declar fan inrait Lush! As incerca TOATE produsele lor:)
Overall, I declare myself a huge fan of Lush products! I would try ALL their products:)

Care sunt produsele voastre favorite din gama Lush?
 What are your favorite Lush products?



  1. Great review sweetheart...thx for sharing..:-)

  2. Love!
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  4. Looking awesome and great <3

  5. de curand am incercat primul meu produs lush si cred ca vor urma si altele :)).

    1. Sunt deosebite produsele Lush, dupa cum spuneam...m-am indragostit:).

  6. these products sound great!

  7. Sunt de acord cu tine!
    Toate produsele Lush sunt exceptionale. :)

  8. Si mie imi plac mult produsele lor :x

    1. Nu-i asa ca sunt deosebite? Eu am testat trei si toate mi-au placut! Nu stiu de ce am fost obsedata de Lush in ultimul timp, fara sa folosesc nimic de la ei. Probabil fiindca m-am uitat la prea multe tutoriale pe youtube si tot imi imaginam mirosurile:))). Pupici, Koko:)

  9. Astept salariul si pe urma le voi face o vizita, am si ochit magazinul.
    Trebuie sa le compar preturile de aici cu cele din ro. :))
    Au denumiri tare frumoase, nu le-am incercat [inca] produsele, nici nu stiu cu ce voi incepe. :))

  10. I like lush products I never try this one need to look into it. Enjoy your day.

  11. I'm obsessed with LUSH! As you can see from my blog post below I have an embarrassing amount of their bath bombs! Great review :)
