Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Amazing experience with Lush Twilight Bath Bomb – review + video


Se apropie Valentine's Day iar dragostea pluteste in in fiecare an, automat ne gandim la iubire, mici atentii, o modalitate cat mai originala de a arata dragostea noastra"acelei" persoane speciale.
In caz ca nu v-ati hotarat inca ce cadou sa-i cumparati (sau sa va cumparati singure pentru un rasfat aromat), m-am gandit sa descriu minunata mea experienta cu un produs ce ar putea fi cadoul perfect de Valentine's nu numai! 

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and love is in the air...everybody is thinking about love, presents and a way to share their love for that special someone. In case you don't know what to offer to your loved one or sugest what you would like to be offered  (even buy it for yourself for a wonderful pampering session cause they are the perfect self-gift!), here's my tip. I have found the most amazing presents for Valentine's Day... and not only!

In ultimul timp, am fost atrasa ca un magnet de produsele naturale Lush, m-am tot uitat la filmulete pe youtube sa descopar care sunt cele mai deosebite produse ale lor si m-am indragostit de asa-zisele Bath Bombs (in romaneste suna mai aiurea: saruri de baie, mie imi place sa folosesc termenul englezesc)! Nu degeaba se numesc 'bombs', veti vedea in continuare. Cand am avut ocazia sa fac rost de cateva produse Lush, am vrut neaparat The Enchanter Bath Bomb (Sare de Baie Vegana The Enchanter) datorita clipurilor vazute pe youtube, dar si Lush Twilight Bath Bomb (Sare de Baie Vegana Twilight) fiindca citisem multe laude la adresa ei. The Enchanter nu era disponibila, asa ca am primit Lush Twilight si nu regret. Aceste ' bombe'fac din banala baie o experienta unica! Chiar, voi ati folosit bombele astea sa vedeti cat de minunate sunt? Eu ma declar indragostita, abia astept sa mai folosesc si altele! Si, pe de-asupra, sunt facute din ingrediente naturale!

Lately I've been so into Lush vegan products, I've watched videos on youtube to find which are the most amazing products from the range and I really felt for their Bath Bombs! They are called 'bombs' for a reason, you will see if you read til the end of the post. When I finally had the opportunity to get some Lush products I wanted the Enchanter Bath Bomb ( because of the videos I saw on youtube), along with Lush Twilight Bath Bomb because of the reviews I read, but the first one was not available, so I got Lush Twilight and don't regret. Let me tell you something: Lush Bombs can make bathing an amazing experience! Really, have you ever tried their bath bombs? They are great for pampering, I am completely hooked, can't wait to try out other bombs! And they are made from natural ingredients!

 Sarea de Baie Vegana Lush Twilight este descrisa pe site-ul Lush Romania in felul urmator: 
"Ne place tuturor sa privim apusul de soare, momentul minunat dintre zi si noapte ne ajuta sa ne limpezim gandurile si indeparteaza stresul. Cerul se transforma dintr-un portocaliu de foc intr-un roz neclar si la final intr-un albastru ca cerneala. Inspirat de aceasta imagine fantastica a fost creata sarea de baie, vegan Twilight. Aceasta sare de baie vegan iti va aduce culorile apusului in cada ta si iti va oferi un moment de relaxare bine meritat. Inca de la inceput te va invalui o apa indigo cu o spuma fina roz si albastra plina de stelute." Toate descrieri lor sunt pline de inspiratie si emotie!

Lush Twilight is described on Lush official site as 'peaceful lavander bathing under the stars. Recreate the magic of a starry night in your bath water with clouds of lavander and tonka absolute to fight the demons of insomnia and soothe your stressed out body and mind. Our most relaxing Bath Bomb yet, Twilight is our gentle, reassuring hug for the bath to transform you from worn out to warm and fuzzy. It changes color like the sky at dusk, from pinks to purples and darker still. Lay back in the comforting herbal water to soak your troubles far, far away'. Lush use such beautiful descriptions for their products!

Experienta mea cu Lush Sare de Baie Vegana Twilight
A fost un moment de rasfat maxim!  Tot timpul am avut si muzica ce acompania momentul in surdina, pe filmulete se aude cam incet, era ceva din Buddha Bar. A inceput prin a se invarti lent, topindu-se intr-o spuma efervescenta alba combinata cu roz, apoi au inceput sa se desprinda/topeasca bucatele cremoase de culoare crem (unt de cacao, daca am inteles eu bine), apoi a inceput sa se invarta tot mai uitam vrajita! Iar dupa ce s-a topit partea exterioara, a inceput sa tasneasca incet, ca o lava, spuma de culoare albastra, cu sclipici! A fost o incantare!
Mi-as fi dorit atat de mult sa pot sa stau in cada sa profit de momentul acesta frumos si aromat...

My experience with Lush Twilight Bath Bomb
It was an amazing experience!!!  You can hear Buddha Bar in the background if you watch the videos, I wanted to be as perfect as possible:). The bomb started by swirling slowly, fizzing white and pink foam, creamy buttery bits shooting out (cocoa butter, as far as I understand), then it started to swirl so quickly...really amazing! And once it got to the center, blue sparkling stuff started to fizz out!!! It was magical!
I wish I could have sit in the tub and enjoy the magic moment...

Puteti vedea filmuletele/You can see the videos here (Nu reusesc sa atasez prima parte fiindca este prea lunga, ci doar a doua si a treia / I am having trouble uploading the first part because it's too long, I can only upload the second and the third part)

Si cateva poze nu prea superbe din cauza luminii artificiale care nu era suficienta/And some (really bad quality due to the artificial lightning) photos: 





Bulgarele de sare de baie este mai mare decat ma asteptam, are culoarea lavandei si miroase minunat!!! Este o combinatie de lavanda cu tonka - mirosul de tonka seamana cu cel de vanilie. In cazul in care nu stiti deja, lavanda este varianta naturala a melatoninei si induce o stare de relaxare si un somn odihnitor. Are un miros puternic, dulce (dar nu dulcele acela gretos, fiindca e combinat cu lavanda) cand nu este folosita in apa, dar odata introdusa in apa, mirosul nu mai este asa puternic, este doar relaxant. Am plecat cateva secunde din baie, iar cand m-am intors m-a invaluit un parfum foarte placut!

Lush Twilight Bath Bomb – is bigger than expected, has a lavander color and smells gorgeous!!! The smell is a sweet mix of lavander and tonka – tonka smell resembles vanilla. In case you don't know yet, lavander acts as nature’s melatonin to relax your mind for a more restful sleep. It has a strong, kind of sweet fragrance but once put in the tub the fragrance is not overwhelming, you don't sense it as being too strong, just relaxing. I left the bathroom for couple of seconds and then came back the smell just hit me so nicely! 

Dupa toata experienta asta, pielea mi-a ramas moale, fara a fi uleioasa (fiindca atunci cand am observat ca apa este putin uleioasa, probabil datorita uleiului de lavanda sau a presupusului unt de cacao - nu-mi dau seama din ingrediente daca contine sau nu unt de cacao - m-am gandit ca o sa imi lase pielea uleioasa, dar nu s-a intamplat asa, a ramas doar moale si hidratata). In ceea ce priveste parfumul ei, s-a mentinut pe piele un timp. Nu am observat sa-mi ramana sclipici din spuma albastra pe piele, poate fiindca nu stiam ca o sa se intample asta, dar dupa ce s-a scurs apa am observat ca pe cada era sclipici (care s-a curatat foarte usor).

My skin felt really soft and not oily (when I saw that the water was kind of oily, probably due to the lavander oil or cocoa butter, I thought my skin would stay oily after getting out of the tub, but it wasn't oily, just soft and moisturized, really nice. And the scent lingered for a while.I did not notice my body being covered in sparkles from the blue foam probably because I wasn't aware it would happen, but when I finished bathing I noticed some sparkle residue on my bath tub (it was very easy to clean, don't worry about the residue). 

Sarea de baie vegana Lush Twilight, asa cum am scris mai sus, are un parfum dulce-relaxant, dar Lush are saruri de baie cu diverse arome. Unele contin flori, petale de flori ce se imprastie in apa, iar altele au diverse surprize!!!! Am vazut unele care imprastiau inimioare! Va recomand sa incercati Sarea de Baie Vegan Sex Bomb, contine ingrediente afrodisiace, fiind un "must" pentru o baie romantica si pentru a va starni simturile:), este unul dintre cele mai bine vandute produse ale lor si cred ca e minunata pentru Valentine's Day... si nu numai!:)

 In incheiere, nu ma pot abtine sa nu va recomand cu draga inima Lush Twilight. Spuneti-i persoanei iubite ca vreti sa va faca cadou o bomba Lush:).
Abia astept sa incerc si alte saruri de baie, m-au cucerit!
Daca nu aveti magazin Lush in oras, intrati pe siteul romanesc AICI sa vedeti ce de minunatii au!  In perioada 1-15 februarie puteti beneficia de promotii, din cate am vazut pe site.

Pret:  27.80 ron

This one, as I said, has a sweet, relaxing fragrance, but Lush Bath Bombs have so many different smells. There are also Bath Bombs containing flowers, flower petals and others have secret surprises!!!! I saw ones that had little hearts inside! Try Lush Vegan Sex Bomb, it has aphrodisiac ingredients and is a must for a romantic bath and for getting you in the mood for love:), it's a bestseller and I think it is great for Valentine's Day...and again NOT ONLY!:)
I strongly recommend you Lush Twilight Bath Bomb! Tell your loved one you want a Lush bomb as a present:).
Can't wait to try out other Lush bombs!

Fresh ingredients/ Ingrediente:

Sodium Bicarbonate , Citric Acid , Cream of Tartar (Tartaric acid) , Sodium Laureth Sulfate , Lavender Oil (Lavandula augustifolia) , Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre) , Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx odorata) , Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata) , Lauryl Betaine , *Coumarin , *Linalool , Fragrance , Propylene Glycol , FD&C Red No. 4 , D&C Red No. 33 , D&C Red No. 27 , FD&C Blue No. 1 , Silver Lustre (Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Maltodextrin, Potassium Aluminium Silicate, Titanium Dioxide, Mica, Potassium Sorbate)

Ce produse Lush ati folosit si v-au incantat? / What Lush products have you tried and recommend?


  1. Eu as fi folosit o de mai multe ori.. cam 2-3 :D

    1. Stiu ca unele persoane le folosesc de mai multe ori, dar eu am fost curioasa, abia asteptam sa vad cum se "desfasoara" :). Dar, sigur, se poate folosi si de mai multe ori. Pupici

  2. Produsele lush le am testat si eu sincer sunt printre preferatele mele ,aceste produse de baie care imi si plac pe langa mirosul parfumat pe care il lasa pielea devine atat de fina la atigere dupa ,leas reincerca iar si iar ..

    1. Ma bucur ca si tie iti plac. Eu sunt innebunita dupa ele:))

  3. Great review sweetheart...thx for sharing..:-)

  4. Uf,trebuie neaparat sa incerc macar un produs Lush anul acesta.Toata lumea le lauda,imi inchipui ca nu degeaba..;))

    1. Sa stii ca sunt deosebite! Eu am trei si toate imi plac, sunt innebunita dupa mirosul lor! Pupici

  5. Un bulgare am folosit si eu pentru o baie, dragut, parfumat... mi-a lasat in apa si sclipici. Not quite a fan, a fost placut dar am avut altele si mai faine.

    1. Mihaela, m-as bucura daca mi-ai spune altele mai faine ca vreau si eu:)

  6. Great post I like lush product unfortunately the mask I cannot get online and there is no shop in the state I'm in will want to try this bath bomb.

  7. I've never tried anything from Lush but I love the colours that come out from that bath bomb! xx
