Friday, November 1, 2013

Vichy Skin Care and Foundation – review and photos

Vichy Skin Care and Foundation
Vichy Skin Care and Foundation
Hi, today I decided to do a proper review, not a quick one, I hope you will have enough patience to read it.
I will start by telling that the day I managed to get this Vichy Sample Kit from a nearby pharmacy I felt so happy because I had heard it was hard to get. The idea of this sample kit is a really good one, helping people who need a beauty product and don't know which is the one for them. I am glad that I can test them because they are made for different skin types and I can decide which one works best for me. It is obvious that not all of them are suitable for me. I am in my thirties and I have combination skin and, as far as I could noticed, my skin prefers light, hydrating products, as well as anti-aging eye creams. 

Let me first tell you what is inside the kit:
1. Vichy Idealia Smoothing and Illuminating Cream
2. Vichy Liftactiv Anti-Wrinkle & Firming Care
3. Vichy Neovadiol Gf Densifying Care for Dry Skin
4. Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation 16Hr

In ziua in care am pus mana pe Kitul de Testare Vichy de la o farmacie din apropierea casei am fost asa de bucuroasa, fiindca auzisem ca se face rost greu de el. Imi place ideea celor de la Vichy de a oferi un kit spre testare, fiindca este de foarte mare ajutor persoanelor care au nevoie de un produs si nu stiu care este cel mai potrivit pentru ele. Ma bucur ca le-am putut testa fiindca sunt potrivite pentru tipuri diferite de piele si asa m-am putut decide care este cel ce mi se potriveste cel mai bine. Evident ca nu puteau sa-mi fie toate potrivite. Am peste 30 de ani, am ten mixt si, din ce am observat eu pana acum, pielea mea se simte cel mai bine cand folosesc produse hidratante, iar pentru ochi creme antirid.
1. Vichy Idealia Crema cu Efect de Netezire si Iluminare a Tenului
2. Vichy LiftActiv Crema Antirid si Fermitate
3.Vichy Neovadiol Gf Crema Densificatoare de Reproportionare
4. Vichy Dermablend 16Hr Fond de Ten Corector

Vichy Skin Care and Foundation
Vichy Skin Care and Foundation

Vichy Skin Care and Foundation
Vichy Skin Care and Foundation

Now let's see how they perform:
Acum vedem cum se comporta:

Vichy Idealia Smoothing and Illuminating Cream
Vichy Idealia Smoothing and Illuminating Cream

Vichy Idealia Smoothing and Illuminating Cream, suitable for normal to combination skin, is a soothing and illuminating cream, evens skin texture and complexion, smoothes wrinkles. It contains Kombucha and Vichy Thermal Water. Are you wondering what Kombucha is? I googled Kombucha and I found this: “Kombucha not only detoxifies, but also hydrates the skin as it improves skin elasticity. Kombucha improves skin tone, texture and clarity as it brightens the skin. Finally, Kombucha as an active ingredient also combats the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines”. And the thermal water soothes and softens the skin. Paraben-free and hypoallergenic, suitable for sensitive skin so you can use it every day with confidence.
My opinion: It has slightly pink color, light refreshing texture and a delicate, feminine smell which I like. It sinks easily into the skin leaving my skin fresh, hydrated and luminous. My face looks dewy and a little glowy, which I like during the cold season. It did not cause me any outbreak.
It is my favorite face cream from this kit and I would definitely buy it!
Vichy Idealia Crema cu Efect de Netezire si Iluminare a Tenului, destinata tenului normal si mixt, catifeleaza pielea si ilumineaza fata, redefineste textura tenului, netezeste ridurile. Contine Kombucha si Apa Termala Vichy. Va intrebati ce este Kombucha? Am cautat pe Google si am gasit urmatoarele: “Kombucha nu doar detoxifiaza, dar si hidrateaza pielea, imbunatatindu-i elasticitatea. Kombucha imbunatateste aspectul tenului, luminand tenul. De asemenea, Kombucha ca ingredient activ, combate aparitia ridurilor”. Iar apa termala din compozitie calmeaza si catifeleaza pielea. Nu contine parabeni, este hipoalergenica, ideala pentru pielea sensibila, astfel ca o puteti folosi cu incredere.
Parerea mea: Are o culoare alba ce inclina putin spre roz, o textura usoara si revigoranta, precum si un miros delicat, feminin asa cum imi place mie. Fata capata un aspect luminos, putin stralucitor, perfect pentru sezonul rece. Nu mi s-a intamplat sa imi apara cosuri.
Este crema favorita din acest kit si cu siguranta as cumpara varianta intreaga!

Vichy LiftActiv Anti-Wrinkle & Firming Care
Vichy LiftActiv Anti-Wrinkle & Firming Care

Vichy LiftActiv Anti-Wrinkle & Firming Care with Rhamnose 5% it is an anti-wrinkle and firming breakthrough formula for women over 40 with normal to combination skin, offering a long lasting lifting effect. The skin looks immediately firmer and wrinkles are visibly reduced. It diminishes by 20% crow's feet, forehead lines and the neckline, best if used with Vichy LiftActiv Rhamnose 5% Night. It offers 24 hour of hydration.
What is Rhamnose? A naturally derived plant sugar proven to help boost skin rejuvenation. LiftActiv with Rhamnose 5% also features continuous release Vitamin C into the skin.
It is paraben-free, non-comedogenic, allergy tested. Suitable for sensitive skin.
My opinion: It seems suitable for my skin, although I'm not 40 yet. The mattifying texture is light (though Vichy Idealia is lighter than this), it hydrates the skin very well and is not greasy or sticky like many anti-wrinkles creams are. I can not describe the smell, it is not sweet, nor floral...maybe kind of cucumber, but not really...if you know what I mean:). It did not cause me any breakout.
Vichy LiftActiv Crema Antirid si Fermitate cu Ramnoza 5% este o crema antirid si fermitate cu o formula inovatoare, destinata femeilor trecute de 40 de ani, cu ten normal-mixt, oferind un efect de lifting durabil. Pielea pare de indata mai ferma si ridurile profunde vizibil reduse. Diminueaza cu pana la 20% ridurile oculare, cele de pe frunte, precum si cele de pe gat, efectul cel mai bun obtinandu-se daca se foloseste impreuna cu crema LiftActiv Night. Ofera hidratare timp de 24 de ore.
Ce este Ramnoza? Ramnoza este un zahăr ce se găseşte în mod natural în anumite plante braziliene si care ajuta la intinerirea pielii. LiftActiv cu Ramnoza 5% elibereaza continuu vitamina C in piele.
Nu contine parabeni, non-comedogenica, hipoalergica. Portivita pentru pielea sensibila.
Parerea mea: Pare sa fie potrivita pentru tenul meu, desi nu am trecut inca de 40 de ani. Textura ei este una matifianta si usoara (desi Idealia are textura mai usoara decat LiftActiv), hidrateaza pielea foarte bine, aceasta neramanand acoperita cu o pelicula grasa sau lipicioasa, asa cum se intampla in cazul multor crème antirid. Nu stiu cum sa descriu mirosul, nu este dulce, nici floral...parca seamana a castravete si nu prea...daca intelegeti ce vreau sa spun:). Nu mi s-a intamplat sa-mi iasa cosuri in urma testarii mostrei.

Vichy Neovadiol Gf Densifying Care
Vichy Neovadiol Gf Densifying Care

Vichy Neovadiol Gf Densifying Care is a day-densifying re-sculpting care product with ProXylane and Proteic Gf for women over 50. It addresses the area most affected by the signs of hormonal aging – the jawline, neck and cheeks by refining skin on the jawline, toning skin on the neck, plumping cheeks and smoothing skin. It also offers intense hydration, evens skin texture, smoothes lines, giving you a radiant complexion. Paraben-free and hypoallergenic, it contains soothing Vichy thermal water and it offers visible results in just 20 days.
My opinion: It is an amazing skin care product! Couple of years ago I used Neovadiol Night for mixed skin (not sure if it was Gf or not) and my skin looked so plumped, soft and youthful straightaway! It was a time when I was so tired and stressed, without too much sleep (4-5 hours a night). I went to a pharmacy to buy a Vichy cream, I did not know what to choose for night time and I decided to buy Vichy Neovadiol. The pharmacist warned me it was for ladies over 40, not for me (maybe she was wrong, it was probably for over 50) and I asked her if something bad could happen if I used it:). Of course nothing bad could happened! And I was amazed how good that cream was!
The one in the Vichy Sample Kit is for dry skin though, thus not suitable for me. It has a heavier texture to nourish dry skin but it still doesn't leave my skin greasy, just a little sticky, probably due to my skin type. The only thing I would change about it is the smell, it's not that delicate and feminine, not my cup of tea. But I don't mind the smell, I would surely buy Neovadiol Gf (for combination skin obviously), it is too good to leave it on the shelf, it is my favorite product from all the Vichy skin care.

Vichy Neovadiol Gf este o crema densificatoare de reproportionare cu Pro-Xylane si Proteic Gf pentru femei trecute de 50 de ani. Este destinata zonelor cele mai afectate de menopauza – maxilar, gat si obraji - ajustand ovalul fetei, tonificand pielea din zona gatului, remodeland pometii si catifeland pielea. Totodata ofera hidratare intensa, uniformizeaza aspectul pielii, atenueaza ridurile, oferind un ten sanatos. Nu contine parabeni, este hipoalergena, contine apa termala Vichy si promite rezultate vizibile in doar 20 de zile.
Parerea mea: Este un produs excelent de ingrijirea a pielii! Acum cativa ani am folosit Neovadiol de Noapte pentru ten mixt (nu mai stiu daca era Gf sau nu) si pielea mea nu a aratat niciodata mai bine, era ferma, catifelata si intinerita! Era o perioada in care eram foarte obosita si stresata, nereusind sa dorm mai mult de 4-5 ore pe noapte. M-am dus la farmacie sa cumpar o crema Vichy, nu stiam ce sa aleg sa folosesc seara, inainte de culcare, si am ales Neovadiol. Farmacista m-a avertizat ca este pentru femei trecute de 40 de ani, nu pentru mine (poate ca a gresit cand a spus 40, nu 50) si am intrebat-o ce pot sa patesc daca o folosesc:). Evident ca nu avea ce sa se intample rau! Am fost incantata de cat de buna era!
Dar cea din kit-ul Vichy este pentru ten uscat, deci nu mi se potriveste. Are o textura mai grasa ideala pentru a hrani tenul uscat, dar nu mi se pare ca lasa fata lucioasa, doar putin lipicioasa, probabil din cauza tipului meu de ten. Singurul lucru pe care l-as schimba este mirosul, nu este foarte feminin si delicat cum imi place mie...parerea mea. Dar nu ma deranjeaza mirosul, cu siguranta o sa o cumpar din nou, in varianta pentru ten mix, evident, e prea buna ca sa trec pe langa ea si sa nu o achizitionez, este produsul meu favorit din toata gama Vichy pana in momentul de fata.

The good news is that you can get a 75 ml cream jar for a price of a 50 ml!
Vestea buna este ca aceste creme se pot achzitiona acum in varianta de 75 ml la pretul celor de 50 ml!

There was also a Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation 16Hr (25 Nude) sample in the kit.
What Vichy says: Corrective Foundation gives total coverage, long lasting wear with a blendable moisturizing texture. A high coated pigment concentration reaching a level of 25%, which offers twice the coverage of a traditional foundation with a natural lightweight finish.
The Foundation gives up to 12 hours of long lasting flawless wear whilst providing a natural even skin tone. Used in conjunction with the Dermablend setting power it can offer up to 16 hours of wear.
The Foundation includes Vichy Thermal Spa Water, renowned for it’s soothing and fortifying properties. The skin is moisturized, supple and comfortable all day long without a mask-like effect.
My opinion: Vichy Dermablend offers a range of camouflage coverage products for irregular skin tone, redness, minor acne scars, enlarged pores, dark circles and pigmentation disorders. Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation 16HR is a full coverage foundation, having a creamy texture, too heavy for my liking and for my needs. I don't need a full coverage foundation, but it is probably a godsend for those persons with skin imperfections like acne, redness, birth marks, vitiligo etc. The sample I got is 25 Nude and it is too dark for me and be aware that being full coverage it can look mask-like if the shade is not perfect for you. I like the way it covers though.
I wish there were another Vichy foundation in the kit, with a medium to light coverage cause I never had any Vichy foundation, I only own Vichy Dermablend Stick Corrector and sometimes I use it as a foundation, applied lightly with a Sephora wet sponge for a natural look, but it's a little lighter than my skin tone right now.
In kit-ul de testare am mai primit si o mostra de fond de ten corector Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation 16Hr (25 Nude).
Descrierea oficiala Vichy spune urmatoarele: Fondul de ten corector asigura o acoperire perfecta, de durata, avand o textura hidratanta, usor de aplicat. Are o concentratia mare de pigmenti (25%) ce ofera de doua ori mai multa acoperire decat un fond de ten traditional, oferind un rezultat natural.
Acest fond de ten rezista pe fata 12 ore, fata capatand un aspect natural, uniform. Folosit impreuna cu pudra de fixare Vichy Dermablend poate rezista pe fata chiar si 16 ore.
Fondul de ten Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation 16HR contine apa termala Vichy, cunoscuta pentru proprietatile ei calmante si regenerante. Pielea este hidratata pe parcursul intregii zile.
Parerea mea: Gama Vichy Dermablend contine produse de “camuflaj” pentru pielea cu probleme cum ar fi roseata, acnee minora, pori dilatati, cearcane, depigmentari. Vichy Dermablend Fluid Corrective Foundation 16HR este un fond de ten cu acoperire mare, avand o consistenta cremoasa, prea “grea” pentru tenul meu si pentru cum imi place mie sa fie un fond de ten. Eu nu am nevoie de acoperire asa mare, dar pentru persoanele cu imperfectiuni de genul : acnee, roseata, semne din nastere, vitiligo etc. Nuanta pe care am gasit-o in cutie este 25 Nude, fiind prea inchisa pentru mine. Aveti grija cum alegeti nuanta fiindca daca e prea inchisa sau prea deschisa poate sa arate ca o masca pe fata, din cauza concentratiei mari de pigment. Totusi imi place cum acopera.
Mi-ar fi placut sa fie alt fond de ten in cutie, cu acoperire medie spre mare, fiindca nu am avut niciodata un fond de ten Vichy, am doar Vichy Dermablend Stick Corrector pe care il folosesc cateodata pe post de fond de ten, pe care il aplic in strat subtire cu un buretel ud marca Sephora pentru un aspect cat mai natural, dar e putin cam deschis la culoare pentru pielea mea care mai are ceva urme de bronz.

My hand without foundation

Vichy Dermablend 25 Nude Swatch
Swatch: Vichy Dermablend 25 Nude

Wow, that's a long review, I hope you will take the time to read it! And if you do...thanks a lot! :)
Have you tried any of these Vichy products? What is your opinion about them?

Kisses xoxo,


  1. Love your blog, would you like to follow each other? Just let me know and I will follow u back

  2. Replies
    1. Si mie, e foarte util in a-ti gasi produsul potrivit tenului tau. Ai incercat sa-l ceri in farmacie?
