Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NOTD: Glossy nude nails with Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish – 03 Tender Taupe

 Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish 03 Tender Taupe
 Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish – 03 Tender Taupe
I must admit I am not a nail polish addict so you won't see many reviews about nail polishes on my blog, but
I want to post about this Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish in Tender Taupe because I find it to be really good! I got this as a present in a Sephora shop just because I own a Sephora Black Card for being a loyal customer.

Recunosc ca nu sunt o impatimita a lacurilor de unghii si de aceea nu veti vedea foarte multe opinii de genul acesta pe blogul meu, dar trebuie sa va vorbesc despre lacul de unghii Sephora Expert Manicure, nuanta Tender Taupe, fiindca mi se pare foarte bun! L-am primit cadou de la Sephora, fiind posesoare de card de loialitate Sephora Black Card.

It has a caring formula, enriched with vitamin E extract blended with apricot kernel oil and grapeseed oil to smooth and strengthen nails. The silicon-powered base and top coat action safeguards the nail and ensures long-wearing hold. 

Are in compozitie un ser care ingrijeste unghiile, un derivat de vitamina E care amestecat cu ulei de caise si ulei de seminte de struguri ajuta la netezirea si intarirea unghiilor. Baza sa de actiune cu silicon protejeaza unghia si ofera o protectie de lunga durata.

  Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish  03 Tender Taupe
  Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe

  Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe
  Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe
  Swatch Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe
  Swatch: Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe
 Swatch: Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe
  Swatch: Sephora Expert Manicure Nail Polish - 03 Tender Taupe

My opinion:

It is indeed a three-in-one product, acting like a base coat, nail polish and top coat altogether. It is long lasting, mine started to chipped after three days which I find it impressive after other nail polishes I tried. It applies smoothly, evenly, covers really well (I applied two coats for the photos, but one is enough), fast-drying. The thing I like most is the glossy finish which makes it looks elegant. I find the smell kind of strong though.

Tender Taupe is a nude shade resembling caramel, really wearable.

It comes in big bottle (10ml.) and has a nice, wide brush which makes the application a breeze. Made in Luxemburg.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to like my Facebook page here

Parerea mea:

Este, intr-adevar, un produs 3-in-1 fiindca actioneaza atat ca baza si lac de unghii, precum si top coat. Este rezistent, in cazul meu a rezistat pe unghii 3 zile, acest lucru parandu-mi-se impresionant dupa ce in vara am incercat alte lacuri de unghii care rezistau doar o zi, deja eram exasperata. Se aplica fin, uniform, ofera acoperire buna (am aplicat doua straturi pentru poze, dar unul este suficient), se usuca rapid. Ce imi place cel mai mult este rezultatul glossy, elegant. Singurul lucru care nu ma incanta este mirosul, mi se pare cam puternic.

Tender Taupe este este o nuanta neutra, asemanatoare caramelului si se foarte purtabila.

Sticluta este mare (10ml.) si are o pensula buna, destul de lata, lucrul acesta facand aplicarea foarte usoara. Este fabricata in Luxemburg.

Multumesc ca “m-ati citit”:) si nu uitati sa dati like paginii de Facebook aici

Have you tried Sephora Expert Manicure? What shades do you like?
Ati folosit Sephora Expert Manicure? Care e nuanta favorita?


  1. cute post and nice colour!

    1. Thanks! It is a really wearable colour, really elegant especially if you have longer nails...which I don't:)

  2. I love the colour! Looks fab! Will try and grab hold of it! x

    1. You should try it, it is really nice. There are also vibrant colours if you want it for winter holidays. xoxo

  3. Ce frumoasa si eleganta este culoarea,chiar imi place mult!

    1. Imi pare rau ca nu am eu unghiile potrivite pentru o manichiura eleganta, ar fi aratat mult mai frumos...dar este placuta culoarea. Pupici!
