Thursday, November 21, 2013

My foundation for a natural look - Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation '130 Shell' [review, photos, swatches]

Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation

Hi ladies, let me introduce you the Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation! This is my first foundation ever and the first one which I review, can you believe this??? A beauty blogger without any foundation:)))
As I already said in my previous posts, I sometimes use my Vichy Dermablend Stick Concealer as a foundation (read the review here), but now I have a proper, liquid foundation.
I purchased Nearly Naked Foundation on a whim, hoping to achieve a natural look, I really don't like the idea of wearing a full coverage foundation. I don't have major face issues except for occasional one or two pimples. For my dark circles under my eyes and the blue vein you may notice around my right eye I've been using a concealer, but now I use both foundation and concealer for a much better coverage in that areas.

Hi ladies, astazi vreau sa va vorbesc putin despre fondul de ten Revlon Nearly Naked! Este primul meu fond de ten pe care il detin si caruia ii fac review, va puteti inchipui asa ceva??? Beauty blogger fara un fond de ten in arsenal:))). Asa cum am mai scris in alta postare, cateodata folosesc Vichy Dermablend Stick Concealer pe post de fond de ten (click aici pentru a putea citi review-ul), dar acum am, in sfarsit, un fond de ten lichid in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
Am cumparat Nearly Naked Foundation din impuls, imediat cum l-am vazut pe raft, in speranta ca o sa-mi ofere un look natural, caci nu-mi plac deloc fondurile de ten cu acoperire mare. Tenul meu nu are probleme care sa necesite acoperire mare, ci doar ocazional ma mai trezesc cu cate un cos. Am cearcane pronuntate si o vena evidenta in zona ochiului drept, dar pentru acestea obisnuiam sa folosesc anticearcanul. Acum o sa folosesc si fond de ten si anticearcan pentru o acoperire mai buna a acestor probleme.

I first purchased shade Nude but it was darker than my skin tone, so I ended up buying the shade 130 Shell (which is a warm undertone colour). I was really surprised to see how good it looked once applied on my face! So, soooo natural...'nearly naked':). It gives a light to medium coverage and I really like that, but if you want more coverage, you can apply a little more. I personally prefer my face to look natural. The foundation applies smoothly, blends easily and evens out my skin tone, giving me a nice, luminous skin. I actually hate that I don't wear it more often, but I wake up at 6.45 AM and I am really not in the mood to apply foundation at that hour. 

Mai intai am ales nuanta Nude, dar era mai inchisa decat tenul meu, asa ca m-am intors si am cumparat nuanta 130 Shell (care se potriveste tenurilor cu subton cald). Am ramas surprinsa de cat de bine arata pe fata! Atat de natural ..."almost naked":). Ofera o acoperire mica spre medie, ceea ce imi place, dar daca doriti acoperire mai mare, puteti aplica putin mai mult. Eu personal prefer ca fata mea sa arate cat mai natural. Fondul de ten se aplica usor, rezultatul fiind un ten uniformizat si luminos. Mi-as dori sa il folosesc mai des, dar trezindu-ma dimineata la 6.45, chiar nu am dispozitia necesara sa mai aplic si fondul de ten.
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation 130 Shell
Revlon Nearly Naked 130 Shell on my face

 And in a different light/ In alta lumina:
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation 130 Shell

Hmmm, too much blush here...sorry!/ Hmmm, prea mult fard de obraz...sorry!:)
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation 130 Shell
Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation - shade 130 Shell
Swatch: Revlon Nearly Naked 130 Shell
Swatch: Revlon Nearly Naked 130 Shell

I apply it with my Real Techniques Stippling Brush (review here) but can be applied as well with the fingers or with a wet sponge. If I don't exfoliate from time to time, it can look a little cakey on my nose, but this happen to all the foundation I've tested (I had some samples, but not a full version). Right now I have a Clinique Even Better Foundation sample and a L'Oreal Mat' Magique, can't wait to test them.
The lasting power is really good but after couple of hours my forehead and my nose start to shine (I have a combination skin with my T-zone being oily) and I usually apply my old Clinique powder to counteract the shine.

Obisnuiesc sa il aplic cu pensula Real Techniques Stippling Brush (cititi review-ul aici), dar se aplica la fel de bine cu mainile sau cu un buretel umed. De obicei imi exfoliez tenul ca sa fie pregatit pentru aplicarea fondului de ten, dar daca nu exfoliez se vede urat cand aplic fondul de ten pe nas, insa asta s-a intamplat cu orice fond de ten pe care l-am testat. In momentul asta am o mostra de Clinique Even Better Foundation si un L'Oreal Mat' Magique, abia astept sa le testez.
Rezista bine pe fata, dar dupa cateva ore fruntea si nasul incep sa luceasca (am ten mixt cu zona T grasa) si atunci folosesc putina pudra Clinique pentru a atenua acest lucru.
What I like: lightweight texture, natural finish, the shade perfect for me, the 20sfp, does not emphasize my enlarged pores or my fine lines, good price.
What I don't like: it has no pump.
Would I repurchase it? YES!
I bought mine from Auchan and I paid 13 $/8.6 £.
Thanks for stopping by and if you like my review, don't forget to like my Facebook page :)

Imi place pentru ca: are textura lejera, aspect natural, nuanta Shell e perfecta pentru mine, factor de protectie 20, nu imi accentueaza porii dilatati sau ridurile, pret bun.
Nu imi place pentru ca: nu are pompita.
L-as recumpara? DA!
Eu l-am cumparat din Auchan si am platit 46 ron.
Multumesc ca ati zabovit putin pe blogul meu, iar daca v-a placut review-ul, nu uitati sa dati like paginii de Facebook aici.

Have you tried Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation? I would like to read your comments!
Ati incercat Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation? Mi-ar placea sa citesc parerile voastre despre el!


Romanian Beauty Blogger from Timisoara


  1. Foundation Looks lovely, definitely will be trying it!

    1. If you are not looking for a mask on your face, go for Naked:). I don't regret buying it.

  2. Si eu imi doresc acest fond de ten.Probabil e urmatorul pe care o sa mi-l cumpar dupa ce le termin pe cele desfacute deja.

    1. Nu stiu ce ten ai, daca este cu probleme sau nu, dar daca nu ai mari probleme il poti incerca cu incredere. Mai ales ca este destul de ieftin (comaparativ cu celelalte fonduri de ten Revlon) :*

  3. Si eu imi doresc acest fond de ten.Probabil e urmatorul pe care o sa mi-l cumpar dupa ce le termin pe cele desfacute deja.

  4. I like this foundation, nice pics :)

  5. Omggg It looks perffff :o I love it! ~ x

  6. Mi-am luat si eu Revlon Colorstay pentru ten uscat si e foarte asemanator cu asta.
    Nici mie nu imi place ca fondul de ten sa arate ca o masca, insa nu imi place nici sa aiba o acoperire mica, pentru ca atunci de ce sa imi mai dau?
    Mai bine folosesc un tinted moisturizer sau altceva.
    Cele cu acoperire medie sunt preferatele mele :)

  7. This looks lovely on u! super pretty <3

    HBM <3

  8. The foundation looks beautiful on your skin! I always pass this foundation up in the drug store, but I think this will be my next purchase :). Thanks for the review!

  9. Imi place foarte mult cumse vede acest fond de ten pe peiela ta.Si nu ai prea mult blush :)
    Acum ca am aflat ca ti-a placut fondul asta de ten,poate te uiti si la un anticearcan de la Colorstay, give it a try si la acela!

    1. Am anticearcanul:). Am evitat sa-l mai folosesc din cauza alergiei, am vrut unul hipoalergenic. Dar imi place cel de la Revlon, o sa incerc sa revin la el.
