Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Eyeshadow – review and swatches

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr
They are finally here! After having seen all the hype about Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr eyeshadows on the internet, I was very happy to hear I can finally buy them at DM shops in my town.
They are described as having “a cream gel formula, ink intensity and tattoo tenacity”. First I had bought the pink one called Pink Gold (65) and couldn't wait to go home, take photos and then test it (cause yes, beauty bloggers need to take photos before trying...I hate that!!!). 

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Buildable intensity - Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
 I must admit I was amazed by its thick texture but soooo soft and easy to blend. Though I heard not all the shades are so easy to blend, probably the matte ones are a little harder to blend...I suppose. The color is pretty, a shiny pale pink, maybe a little too pale for what I was hoping. But beautiful and veeeery long lasting (Maybelline claims it lasts 24 hours without creasing or fading...I haven't tried that though...24 hours!). The next minute I was already thinking about getting the On and On Bronze (35) which at first I thought might be too dark cause it was very pigmented. And of course I bought it, especially being as cheap as they were (around 6$). This one was perfect! Such a beautiful and buildable color! 
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr On and On Bronze
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr  On and On Bronze
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze
Swatch - Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze
Swatch: Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze

Swatch Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze
Swatch: Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold and On and On Bronze

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr Pink Gold

Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr On and On Bronze
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr On and On Bronze
I like them cause I can put these on when in a hurry when I don't have much time for makeup or on lazy days. I simply use fingertip to swipe them over lids, but they can be applied with a brush as well, and, amazingly, they last all day without creasing (I don't have oily lids, if you have oily lids you might find they crease a little...maybe you should use a primer). 
I have to say I love the jars, they come in a transparent thick glass jar with plastic cap and look luxurious, especially in photos. Although I don't like that you have to dip your finger in it...not very hygienic.
I have never tried MAC Paint Pots but I've heard that Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr are great dupes. If you can't afford MAC Paint Pots, these are a perfect alternative.

Have you tried Color Tattoo 24Hr? What shades and what do you think of them?
Kisses xoxo

Fard de ochi Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr - opinie si poze

In sfarsit se gasesc si la noi! Vazand atatea laude pe net despre fardurile de ochi Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr, am fost super bucuroasa sa aud ca se gasesc in magazinele DM din orasul meu. Sunt descrise ca avand o “consistenta crema-gel, intensitatea cernelii si rezistenta tatuajelor”. Mai intai am ales nuanta Pink Gold (65) si eram super nerabdatoare sa merg acasa, sa pozez produsul si apoi sa-l incerc (caci, da, beauty bloggerii trebuie sa astepte sa faca intai poze...urasc asta!!!). 
Recunosc ca m-a uimit placut textura foarte cremoasa a fardului, densa dar asa de fina, si usor de blenduit. Am auzit, insa, ca nu toate nuantele ar fi asa usor de blenduit, probabil cu cele mate se lucreaza putin mai greu. Culoarea este foarte draguta, un roz pal stralucitor, poate putin prea pal fata de cum mi-l imaginam. Dar frumos si fooooarte rezistent (Maybelline pretinde ca rezistenta e de 24 ore, fara a se estompa sau strange intre pliurile pleoapei...asta chiar nu am incercat...24 ores!). In urmatorul minut deja ma gandeam sa cumpar alta nuanta la care mi-a ramas gandul: On and On Bronze (35), care initial mi s-a parut cam inchisa fiindca era foarte pigmentata. Si bine-nteles ca m-am dus sa o iau, mai ales ca pretul era mic (putin peste 20 ron – 6$). Ei bine, nuanta asta mi s-a parut perfecta! Asa o culoare superba si cu o intensitate la care se poate lucra! 

Imi plac fardurile astea fiindca sunt usor de aplicat, mai ales daca sunt pe graba sau daca imi e lene sa ma machiez prea mult. Pur si simplu aplic cu degetul, dar pot fi aplicate si cu pensula, si rezista toata ziua fara sa se stranga (nu am pleoape uleioase, dar daca voi aveti, s-ar putea sa se stranga putin...poate ar fi bun un primer). 
Mentionez ca ambalajul este din sticla transparenta mai groasa cu capac de plastic si arata luxos, in special in poze. Ce nu-mi place este ca nu este foarte igienic sa introduci degetele in borcanel.
Nu am incercat niciodata MAC Paint Pots, dar am auzit ca Maybelline Color Tattoo 24Hr sunt alternative perfecte. Daca nu va permiteti sa aruncati bani multi pe MAC Paint Pots, le puteti incerca cu incredere pe acestea.

Voi ati incercat Color Tattoo 24Hr? Ce nuante si cum vi s-au parut?



  1. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)

  2. beautiful color ahh! I have them both and love the pics too :)

    1. Thank you. I like your blog, I love watching your outfits.

  3. Buna, Olivia, imi pare bine sa te cunosc, cu Lucia din capul listei, suntem trei bloggerite din Timisoara! :D
    O sa te adaug in blogroll-ul meu! Pupici! :)

    1. Multumesc, esti o dulce!:) Tu esti deja pe bloggroll-ul meu, dar aseara l-am dezactivat...pana la noi ordine:). Te pup!

  4. Astea doua ar fi fost si alegerile mele!

    And ohhh, how I feel your pain with the photos!:)) Am tinut pensulele Real Techniques o saptamana fara sa ma ating de ele pentru ca nu facusem pozele!:))


    1. Ce surpriza!:) Merci de comment, Anda! Te pup si te sustin in ceea ce priveste Scoala de Blogging L'Oreal.


  5. I have seen some really great reviews about these eyeshadows - very keen to give them a try xx

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