Sunday, October 20, 2013

Amazing Hair Treatment - Macadamia Deep Repair Masque

Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque
Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque

Hi beauties,

It's time for another hair product review – a product I longed for such a long time! Every time I placed an ordered to Amazon UK, I wanted to add Macadamia Deep Repair Masque to my shopping list, but each time the price made me restrain myself from buying it.
Hi beauties,

A venit momentul sa fac un alt review – un produs pe care imi doream de mult timp sa-l incerc! De cate ori dadeam comanda pe Amazon UK, vroiam sa adaug si Macadamia Deep Repair Masque pe lista, dar de fiecare data pretul ma facea sa ma razgandesc.
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque

I decided to buy the little version first - the 30 ml. sachet - to test it and see if it's worth the hype, cause it's the favorite hair product of many beauty bloggers. I would have liked to get the big eye-catching jar, it looks so pretty and luxurious...floral brown with green accents... but I still have time to buy it... I am definitely going to buy a bigger quantity cause it's a remarkable hair treatment! It isn't cheap, but it worth the money!

Am decis sa aleg, pentru inceput, cantitatea cea mai mica – plicul de 30 ml – pentru a vedea daca se ridica la nivelul asteptarilor, fiindca este foarte laudat pe youtube, este tratamentul de par preferat de multe bloggerite. As fi vrut sa cumpar varianta mai mare, in ambalaj de plastic, fiindca arata super draguta si eleganta ...fond maro cu imprimeu floral si accente verzi...dar este timp sa o cumpar si pe sigurata voi cumpara varianta mai mare fiindca este un tratament de par exceptional! E adevarat ca nu este ieftin, dar isi merita banii, zic eu!

Macadamia Deep Repair Masque - use and ingredients
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque - how to use and ingredients

What they say: A combination of macadamia oil and argan oil along with tea tree oil, chamomile oil, aloe and algae extracts rejuvenate and rebuilds the hair. Cruelty-free, paraben-free, alcohol-free.

Macadamia Deep Repair Masque is a revitalizing hair reconstructor for dry, damaged hair and Macadamia Natural Oil is becoming very popular for its amazing effect on hair, leaving it deeply nourished for improved elasticity and shine with long-lasting conditioning benefits.

Ce spune producatorul: O combinatie de ulei de macadamia si ulei de argan, precum si ulei de arbore de ceai, ulei de musetel, aloe si extract de alge regenereaza si reconstruieste firul de par. Nu este testat pe animale, nu contine parabeni sau alcool.

Macadamia Deep Repair Masque este un revitalizant pentru parul uscat, distrus, iar uleiul natural de Macadamia devine din ce in ce mai popular pentru efectele sale uimitoare asupra parului, hranindu-l in profunzime, oferindu-i elasticitate si stralucire pe termen lung.

As I bleach my hair regularly, my hair ends are getting thinner and drier and they need deep conditioning. And Macadamia Deep Repair Masque helps repair dry or damaged hair, making it get better and better with prolonged use. The first time I tried this mask I noticed that it had a thick consistency, a white-peach color and a looovely smell! So far, so good! But after leaving it on my towel dried hair for couple of minutes (it is stated on the sachet to leave it on the hair up to 7 minutes), it didn't do anything special for my hair, my hair felt the same as before (I was already using a hydrating L'Oreal Professionnel Mask). Only after consecutive usage - cause yes, you get a lot of product in the sachet and I managed to use it for 5-6 times - I noticed that my hair was incredibly soft, shiny and manageable! And the scent lingered on my hair all day long, even the following day was still there. I used this mask every time I washed my hair, this meaning twice a week. It is not recommended to use it more, probably because it is such an intensive treatment and hair can get too oily...I suppose.

Vopsindu-mi parul in nuante de blond ani de zile, varfurile au inceput sa se subtieze si sa devina mai uscate decat restul parului, avand nevoie de tratament mai intens decat radacinile. Iar Macadamia Deep Repair Masque ajuta la repararea firului de par , facandu-l din ce in ce mai sanatos dupa fiecare utilizare. Prima oara cand am incercat masca am observat ca are o consistenta densa, o culoare alb-piersica si un miros fooooarte placut! Pana aici, toate bune! Dar dupa ce am lasat-o timp de cateva minute (producatorul spune ca nu mai mult de 7 minute) pe parul umed si uscat putin cu prosopul, nu am simtit ca ar face ceva deosebit pentru parul meu, il simteam la fel ca atunci cand foloseam alte masti (foloseam deja o masca L'Oreal Professionel). Doar dupa utilizari regulate – fiindca vreau sa va spun ca pliculetul mi-a ajuns pentru 5-6 utilizari – am observat ca parul devenea atat de soft, stralucitor si usor de aranjat! Iar parfumul sau mi se impregna in par pentru toata ziua, chiar si ziua urmatoare imi ajungea la nasuc:) Eu am folosit masca de fiecare data cand imi spalam parul, fiindca in general ma spal de doua ori pe saptamana. Nu este recomandat sa se folositi mai des, probabil datorita faptului ca este un tratament intensiv/puternic, iar parul poate deveni prea uleios...zic eu.

It is the best hair mask I've tried and, as I said, I will surely repurchase. My hair needs it!

You can find it online on Ulta, Amazon Uk or FeelUnique. I ordered mine directly from Amazon, not another sellers on Amazon, cause I know there are many fake Macadamia products. One 30ml. sachet costs 2.50 £, 100ml. cost 9.20£, 250ml. cost 13.75£ and 500ml. Cost 21.99£.
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque consistency
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque consistency

In concluzie, este cea mai buna masca de par pe care am incercat-o si cu siguranta o voi recumpara. Parul meu are nevoie de ea!:)

O puteti achizitioa online de pe, Amazon UK sau FeelUnique. Eu am cumparat-o direct de la Amazon, nu de la altii vanzatori de pe Amazon, fiindca stiu ca exista multe produse Macadamia contrafacute. Pliculetul de 30ml. costa pe Amazon 2.50 £, 100ml. costa 9.20£, 250ml. costa 13.75£ iar 500ml. costa 21.99£.


Water (Aqua), Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Cetyl Palmitate, Behentrimonium Chloride, Cetrimonium Chloride, Amodimethicone, Trideceth-12, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, Argania Spinosa Kernel Oil, Sodium PCA, Dimethicone, Triethanolamine, Citric Acid, Butylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Benzoic Acid, Chlorphenesin, Sorbic Acid, Linalool, Hexyl Cinnamal, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Citronellol, Limonene, Yellow 6 (CI 15985), Yellow 5 (CI 19140), CI14720, Fragrance (Parfum).

Have you tried Macadamia hair products? What else have you tried and would you recommend from this range?
Ati incercat produsele Macadamia? Ce alt produs ati incercat si ati recomanda din gama Macadamia?

Kisses xoxo,


  1. Deci trebe sa il incerc =D
    De mult ma tenteaza

    1. Incearc-o, e foarte buna! Eu as incerca si alte produse din gama asta, cred ca sunt la fel de bune.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. great review :)

  4. Eu folosesc momentan una de la Tresemme, dar uite ca m-ai tentat tu cu review+ul tau.
    Cred ca o sa imi cumpar si un pliculet ca al tau sa vad cum e, ca am auzit prea multe lucruri bune despre ea :)

    1. Si eu imi doresc sa incerc Tresemme. Fiecare isi doreste ce nu are:)

  5. Hi Olivia, thanks for following my blog via Bloglovin, I actually use GFC more so if you want to follow that way I will be more likely to see your posts from my dashboard and stop by. I am just stopping by to follow back and check out your blog. I love the Macadamia deep repair hair masque, I buy the full size jar all the time and I go through it very quickly since I have long thick hair. Here in Toronto it costs $40 for one jar of it but I like it so I don't mind lol.

    Stop by any time :)

    1. Hi Erica, I am following you on GFC :). Have a nice day!
