Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection for Face and Body – review and photos

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
I know, I know, it's already autumn and you are probably wondering why I wrote a review about a SPF sun milk...yes, it is autumn here, but there are countries where the sun is still hot and the beaches are full of people and hopefully somebody might be interested in knowing my opinion:). Not to mention that you should apply a SPF cream on your face every day to protect your skin from sun damage,especially sunburns and premature skin ageing.

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection

Three weeks ago I was spending my holiday in Vourvourou , a little village in Sithonia, Greece and this nice Vichy sun milk helped my skin (actually my whole family's skin cause the package is big – 300 ml.) to get tanned without getting burned. It was love at first sight:)... I first liked the smell, it has a pleasant and fresh smell, than I liked the texture: it was not greasy at all. I hate applying greasy products on my body!

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
Vichy Capital SoleilSPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection, formulated for sensitive skin, it absorbs instantly into the skin without leaving a greasy film on your skin, I just noticed a very little sheen in the beginning, like a highlighter (it disappeared after couple of minutes), but no greasiness or stickiness at all.Here is the product right after applying it, you can see the sheen, but soon disappears. 

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
Initial sheen which soon disappears: Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection
I should mention that on my face I used another cream, a mattifying one, not because I didn't like this one, but because I was already using that on my face prior to my holiday and I was happy with it. I will probably use this on my face after I finish the mattifying one.
 Some words about this product: Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection for Face and Body is family size sun protection with SPF30 factor, suitable for sensitive skin and for both face and body use. It includes a Mexoryl-based photostable, broad spectrum UVA and UVB filtering system which combats the damaging effects of UV rays and protects the precious genetic capital of your skin. Hyaluronic Acid makes it easy to apply with no white marks. It contains Vichy Thermal Spa Water and it is paraben free.
The 300 ml format makes it ideal for families.

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection - ingredients
Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection - Ingredients
All in all, this product was a wise acquisition (I got this on sale) and I intend to buy it again for sure.
Thanks for reading!
 Have you used it? I would like to know your opinion!  

Kisses xxx

Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection pentru Fata si Corp -review si poze 
Stiu, stiu, a venit toamna si probabil va mirati de ce am facut review unui produs pentru plaja...da, este toamna aici, dar sunt tari in care soarele este inca puternic si plajele sunt pline de oameni, asa ca ma gandesc ca poate mai sunt persoane interesate sa citeasca o parere despre acest produs:). Sa nu mai vorbesc de faptul ca ar trebui sa aplicam pe fata un produs cu factor de protectie pentru a preveni neplacerile cauzate de soarele, precum arsurile solare si imbatranirea prematura a pielii.

Acum trei saptamani eram in vacanta in Vourvourou, un satuc din Sithonia, Grecia si acest lapte de corp foarte placut mi-a fost de mare ajutor in a-mi proteja pielea (de fapt a fost de ajutor intregii familii pentru ca tubul este foarte mare – 300ml.). A fost dragoste la prima vedere:) primul rand mi-a placut cum miroase, are un miros foarte placut; apoi mi-a placut textura: nu este gras deloc. Urasc sa aplic produse grase pe corp! Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Milk Skin Cell Protection este formulat pentru pielea sensibila si patrunde foarte usor in piele, fara ca pielea sa ramana grasa sau lipicioasa, am observat doar un usor luciu imediat dupa ce l-am aplicat (care a disparut dupa cateva minute). 

Trebuie sa mentionez ca pe fata am folosit alt produs, unul cu efect matifiant, nu pentru ca nu mi-ar fi placut sa-l folosesc pe acesta, dar foloseam deja o crema matifianta si eram multumita de ea. Cand o voi termina pe aceea, probabil voi folosi acest lapte de corp in continuare.

Cateva cuvinte despre acest produs: Vichy Capital Soleil SPF30 Milk Skin Cell Protection pentru fata si corp este un lapte de corp pentru protectie solara cu FPS30, ideal pentru pielea sensibila, putand fi folosit atat pentru fata, cat si pentru corp. Se gaseste in varianta “family” (tubul este mare si ajunge pentru intreaga familie). Contine un sistem de filtrare a radiațiilor UVA-UVB cu spectru larg, fotostabil, pe bază de Mexoryl ce combate efectele daunatoare ale razelor solare si protejeaza capitalul generic al pielii. Acidul hialuronic din compozitia sa face foarte usoara patrunderea emulsiei in piele, fara a lasa o pelicula alba. Contine apa termala Vichy, nu contine parabeni. Tubul de 300 ml. face ca acest produs sa fie ideal pentru familii.

In concluzie, a fost o achizitie inteligenta (mai ales ca l-am cumparat la reducere, din Sensiblu) si intentionez sa-l cumpar din nou.

Multumesc ca v-ati facut timp sa cititi postarea!

Voi l-ati folosit? Mi-ar placea sa aud si parerea voastra! 
Kisses xoxo



  1. Hey, Just letting you know I nominated you for the Liebster awards. You can find the questions over on my blog xx

    1. Hi Ally, thank you soooo much! I will write a post on my blog about it! Have a lovely day!:)
