Thursday, August 8, 2013

Beauty Haul: Real Techniques, L'Oreal, TheBalm, Bioderma & more

beauty haul

Hi guys,
I recently did some shopping and I want to show you what I've got...some pretty awesome stuffs and I'm really excited to try them all!
Let's start:

1. L'Oreal Shine Caresse Lipstick 400 Eve - The most recent product I bought from L'Oreal range is this lovely looking lipstick, I think it's going to be my favorite in the next months cause the colour suits me very well. I will tell you my opinion in a future post on my blog.

L'Oreal Shine Caresse - Eve
L'Oreal Shine Caresse - Eve
2. Max Factor Wild Mega Volume Volumising Mascara – a new launched mascara (and not expensive at all) from Max Factor. I've always loved False Lash Effect, but it's time for a change:)
Max Factor Wild Mega Volume Volumising Mascara
Max Factor Wild Mega Volume Volumising Mascara
3. Bioderma Photoderm AKN Mat SPF30 – a matifying sun fluid for combination or oily skin. I was searching for Bioderma Hydrabio Legere with spf but it seems there is only the version without spf, and the lady at the counter showed me I bought this, I will tell you my opinion soon.
Bioderma Photoderm AKN Mat Spf30
Bioderma Photoderm AKN Mat Spf30
4. Real Techniques Stippling Brush – wow, it's been almost a year since I've wanted this brush! I saw Tanya Burr using this stippling brush so often in her videos that she made me want this brush. I like the way it looks and I like that I can apply my MAC Something Special cream blush (review here), BB Creams or foundations with this beauty. Me happy!

Real Techniques Stippling Brush
Real Techniques Stippling Brush

5. TheBalm Hot Mama! - an all-in-one make-up product: a blush that can also be worn as an eyeshadow, or just as a highlighter.
TheBalm Hot Mama!
TheBalm Hot Mama!
6. Macadamia Deep Repair Masque – I was longing for this hair mask for a long time! (along with Morrocanoil Hair Treatment which I still don't have it, I couldn't find it available on I bought only the mini size version (30 ml.) to see how it works on my hair and if I fall in love with it...which I probably will:)...I will buy the full version.
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque
Macadamia Deep Repair Masque
7. SVR Topialyse Palpebral crème – an anti-irritation and anti-itching cream for my itchy lids (it seems that I am allergic to something, but can't figure out what is causing me this allergy). I've changed all my make-up products, I stopped wearing make-up for a week, believing that one of my make-up products is the culprit, but the allergy was still there. Anyone confronted with this type of allergy? Swollen, red, itchy lids? Cause they're driving me crazy!:(
SVR Topialyse Palpebral creme
SVR Topialyse Palpebral creme
8. Zara Woman Eau de Toilette for women - sorry, I forgot to take pics.

Have you tried any of these products? And if yes, how do you like it? 
If you want to read my opinion about these products, don't forget to follow!


Noi achizitii: Real Techniques, Macadamia, TheBalm, Bioderma & more

Buna fetelor,
In ultima perioada mi-am cumparat cateva produse cosmetice si vreau sa va arat ce...cateva chestii tare dragute si sunt nerabdatoare sa le incerc pe toate! Pozele le puteti vedea mai sus, nu are rost sa le pun inca o data. Sa incepem:

1. L'Oreal Shine Caresse Lipstick 400Eve – acesta este cel mai recent produs L'Oreal cumparat, un ruj tare dragut, cred ca va fi preferatul meu in urmatoara perioada fiindca Eve este o culoare care mi se potriveste perfect. O sa va spun parerea mea pe larg intr-un viitor post pe blog.

2. Max Factor Wild Mega Volume Volumising Mascara – un rimel nou aparut pe piata (si deloc scump). Favoritul meu este Max Factor False Lash Effect, dar este timpul pentru o schimbare:)

3. Bioderma Photoderm AKN Mat SPF30 – un fluid matifiant pentru ten mixt si gras. Eram in cautarea Bioderma Hydrabio Legere cu fps, dar se pare ca este disponibila doar versiunea fara fps, iar vanzatoarea mi-a recomandat crema asta, asa ca am voi spune in curand cum ma impac cu ea.

4. Real Techniques Stippling Brush – wow, imi doresc pensula asta de aproape un an de zile! Am vazut-o pe Tanya Burr, pe youtube, folosind-o foarte des si asta m-a facut sa mi-o doresc. Imi place ca pot sa aplic cu ea fardul de obraz MAC Something Special (review here), BB cream-urile si fondul de ten. Me happy!

5. Fardul de obraz TheBalm Hot Mama! - un produs de make-up all-in-one: fard de obraz, fard de ochi si highlighter.

6. Macadamia Deep Repair Masque – imi doream de mult masca asta de par! (imi doream si Moroccanoil Hair Treatment, dar nu l-am gasit disponibil pe Am cumparat versiunea mini, la pliculet de 30 ml., sa vad cum se comporta si daca ma indragostesc de ea...ceea ce cred ca se va intampla:)...o sa-mi cumpar ambalajul mare.

7. SVR Topialyse Palpebral crème – o crema anti-iritatii si anti-mancarimi pentru pleoapele mele iritate (se pare ca sunt alergica la ceva, dar nu pot sa-mi dau seama la ce. Mi-am schimbat toate produsele de machiaj, nu m-am machiat timp de o saptamana, crezand ca unul din farduri e de vina, dar alergia tot continua sa apara. S-a confruntat cineva cu problema asta? Pleoape umflate, rosii, mancarimi? Ca deja nu mai rezist:(

8. Zara Woman - Apa de toaleta pentru femei  - sorry, am uitat sa fac poze.

Ati folosit vreunul din produse? Daca da, cum vi s-a parut?
Daca doriti sa stiti si parerea mea despre aceste produse, nu uitati sa apasati follow! 



  1. Macadamia mask is excellent, I have it for a year now, I have wrote about it on my blog.

    1. Can't wait to try it! I already regret that I bought the mini version:(. Thanks for your comment, I'll read your review right now:)

