Tuesday, July 2, 2013

June Beauty Favorites!

June beauty favorites
June beauty favorites

Here is the list of my June favorite products:

1. Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer – this is my all-time favorite product! Good quality, gorgeous smell, lovely package. And most important for a bronzer: it is brown, not orange toned. It is such a pleasure to apply it on my face! You can read my review about this bronzer here: here

2. L'Oreal Pure Micellar Water – I really like using this micellar water instead of a normal cleansing milk because I like how it feels on my face, no greasiness, no need to wash my face. Sometimes I wash afterwards, sometimes I don't. Read my review here: here

3. Sephora I.T. 131 Angled Natural Blush Brush - I love this brush! First of all, it is very pretty and feminine looking. I also like it cause it's very soft (is made of ultra soft natural hair) and dense. It is great for applying powder blushes, even for sculpting the face with a powder bronzer. Its shape makes the application easy.

4. Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara – A good makeup product, gives volume to my lashes and doesn't have fall-outs. It is the second time I am buying this mascara and I will probably buy it again. But you know... as a beauty blogger, trying different products is a must:). I will write a review about Max Factor False Lash Effect soon!

5. Tweezerman Lash Curler - Before applying mascara I sometimes use my Tweezeman Lash Curler (when I'm not in a hurry). It works wonderfully for me, it gives me nice, curled lashes, making me look more awake. I do have long lashes but they are not very curled. It came with 4 silicone replacement pads.  I have never been a regular to lash curling, but decided to give this one a try because I had read lots of positive reviews about it.

6. YSL Ombre Solo Double Effect Eyeshadow in Number 4 (Mink Brown or Brun Vision) – I didn't like the colours very much when I bought it, I got it on Christmas sales just because it was a cheap YSL:)). The duo consists of a shimmery lilac and a less shimmery purplish taupe. I sometimes use only the lilac shade for a more natural look. The texture is smooth and silky. I find myself wearing this more often now that I have blonde acajou hair, especially the lilac shade. It's great for blue/green eyed girls.

7. Bioderma Hydrabio Legere – I like that it is very hydrating and is not greasy at all. There is something I don't like: it doesn't have a SPF. But as far as I know Bioderma has a SPF version. I got this one mainly to use it at night because my face was very dehydrated. During the day I use another great product: Exuviance Age Reverse Day Repair which has SPF30 (I will review it soon).

8. Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish “Rose Libertine” - You can read my review here
Although it's not long wearing, it's a lovely shade and it dries so fast! And very inexpensive!

Which one of my favorite products do you like?

Favoritele lunii iunie!

1. Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Bronzer – este preferatul meu ever! Calitate foarte buna, miros superb, ambalaj super dragut. Si cel mai important: e maro, fara tenta portocalie. Este o placere sa-l aplic pe fata! Puteti citi parerea mea despre el aici

2. Apa Micelara L'Oreal – imi place sa folosesc apa micelara in locul unui demachiant clasic fiindca imi place ca fata nu ramane grasa si nu este nevoie sa ma spal pe fata dupa ce ma demachiez. Cateodata ma spal, cateodata nu. Cititi parerea mea despre ea aici

3. Pensula Sephora I.T. 131 pentru aplicarea fardului de obraz: O iubesc! In primul rand fiindca este foarte draguta si feminina. In al doilea rand pentru ca este foarte moale (e facuta din par natural super moale) si densa. E perfecta pentru aplicarea fardurilor de obraz pudra, chiar si pentru sculptarea formei fetei cu un bronzer. Datorita formei tesite, aplicarea este foarte usoara.

4. Rimel Max Factor False Lash Effect – Un produs bun, ofera volum genelor si nu se imprastie pe fata. Este a doua oara cand il cumpar si probabil o sa-l mai cumpar in viitor. Dar stiti cum beauty blogger trebuie sa incerc produse cat mai variate:). In curand voi scrie un review despre AMax factor False Lash Effect.

5. Cleste de gene Tweezerman – Inainte de a aplica rimelul, cateodata folosesc Tweezerman Lash Curler (mai exact: atunci cand nu ma grabesc). Isi face treaba excelent, facandu-mi genele frumoase si curbate, lucru care ma face sa par mai odihnita. Am gene lungi, dar nu sunt prea curbate. Vine cu 4 rezerve de silicon. Inainte nu obisnuiam sa folosesc clesti pentru gene, dar m-am hotarat sa folosesc fiindca am citit multe pareri pozitive despre ele.

6. Fard de ochi YSL Ombre Duo  nr. 4 (Mink Brown sau Brun Vision) – initial nu mi-au placut foarte mult nuantele, am cumparat fardul la reducerile de Craciun, doar pentru ca era un YSL ieftin:)). Trusa contine o nuanta lilac putin stralucitoare si o nuanta taupe (maroniu) foarte putin stralucitoare. Cateodata folosesc doar nuanta lilac pentru un look cat mai natural. Textura este fina si matasoasa. De cand mi-am vopsit parul blond acajou, am folosit trusa asta aproape in fiecare zi. Se potriveste bine ochilor albastri/verzi.

7. Bioderma Hydrabio Legere – Imi place ca este foarte hidratanta si nu lasa o pelicula grasa pe fata. Este totusi ceva ce ii lipseste: FPS (factorul de protectie solara). Dar, din cate stiu, Bioderma are si varianta cu FPS. Eu am cumparat-o pe aceasta pentru a o folosi mai ales noaptea, fiindca pielea imi era foarte deshidratata. In momentul de fata, in timpul zilei folosesc o alta crema excelenta: Exuviance Age Reverse Day Repair which has SPF30 ( in curand o sa-i fac review).

8. Lac Unghii Rimmel London 60 Secunde – nuanta “Rose Libertine” - puteti citi parerea mea despre el aici Desi nu rezista foarte mult pe unghii, imi place foarte mult culoarea si se usuca extrem de repede! Si e foarte ieftina!

Care din produsele mele favorite va plac?

Kisses xoxo


  1. foarte utile pentru o femeie cele de mai sus , cateva imi lipsesc dar cu timpul poate voi avea un buget mai bun sa ma rasfat ,pana atunci citesc blogul tau si admir cu drag femeile ce au grija de ele .

    1. Multumesc, esti o draguta:). Adevarul este ca nu prea as iesi nefardata din casa:)))
