Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A refreshing must-have for the summer! Vichy Thermal Spa Water - review

Vichy Thermal Spa Water review
Vichy Thermal Spa Water
Now that the summer is here, I've started using thermal water again, especially on my face and on my kids' skin cause their skin gets sooo easily irritated from too much sweat! 
Vichy Thermal Spa Water is recognized by the French Academy of Medicine for its soothing and fortifying properties, being rich in 15 regenerating minerals and antioxidants, essential to skin's health. The skin is instantly soothed and protected by reinforcing skin's natural barrier function, protecting the skin from environmental aggresions. It seems that thermal water also helps the skin fight signs of aging.
Vichy Thermal Spa Water is allergy-tested, paraben-free, preservative-free and fragrance-free.

Vichy Thermal Spa Water
Vichy Thermal Spa Water

Vichy Thermal Spa Water
Vichy Thermal Spa Water
I like to spray it on my face in the morning before makeup for a fresh start up, during the hot days for a refreshing effect and at night after face cleansing and before putting on my night cream. When my skin feels irritated, I also apply thermal water and the skin feels hydrated, soothed and refreshed. Can be used with makeup also and in the winter if you have dry patches. I will surely put it in my luggage in August when I go on holiday in Greece to use it for the whole family after staying in the sun. 

I must say I've used so many Vichy skincare products and never happened to have a bad experience with this brand! I loved all of them, none of them irritated my skin or made me break out. 

You can purchase this product online from Vichy or Boots.
Have a lovely week!

Have you seen results with Vichy Thermal Spa Water?

Kisses xoxo

Un must-have pentru vara! Apa termala Vichy Thermal Spa

Acum, ca suntem in toiul verii, am reinceput sa folosesc apa termala, atat pe fata mea, cat si pe pielea copiilor, fiindca pielea lor se irita atat de usor de la caldura si transpiratie! Apa termala Vichy este recunoscuta de Academia Franceza de Medicina pentru proprietatile ei calmante si regenerante, fiind bogata in 15 minerale si antioxidanti, esentiale pentru sanatatea epidermei. Pielea este calmata instantaneu si protejata de actiunea factorilor nocivi din mediul inconjurator. Totodata, apa termala ajuta pielea sa lupte impotriva imbatranirii premature.
Apa termala Vichy Thermal Spa este testata antialergic, nu contine parabeni, conservanti, parfum.

Imi place sa ma dau cu ea pe fata dimineata, inainte de aplicarea machiajului pentru un start fresh, in timpul zilelor foarte calduroase pentru efectul ei racoritor si noaptea dupa demachiere si inainte de aplicarea cremei de noapte. Cand imi simt pielea iritata, aplic apa termala si imi simt pielea hidratata, calmata si revigorata. Poate fi folosita si dupa aplicarea machiajului, precum si iarna, daca aveti pielea uscata. Cu siguranta o voi include in bagaj cand plec in vacanta in Grecia, e perfecta pentru a fi folosita dupa ce vom sta la soare. 

Vreau sa va spun ca am folosit multe produse Vichy si nu mi s-a intamplat niciodata sa am o experienta neplacuta cu ele! Toate mi-au placut, niciunul nu mi-a iritat pielea.
O saptamana frumoasa va doresc!

Ce rezultate ati vazut in urma folosirii apei termale Vichy Thermal Spa?



  1. o folosesc si eu o iubesc atat pe aceasta cat si pe cea de la alta firma acum recent am citit despre cateva produse care le putem usor inlocui si printre acestea era si apa termala care poate fi inlocuita cu apa minerala printro sticluta pulverizatoare eu nu stiam de acest mic truc si chiar as curioasa sa il incerc ..

    1. Nici eu nu stiam de trucul asta. Dar apa termala calmeaza, nu stiu daca apa minerala are acelasi efect.
