Friday, June 14, 2013

Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette – review, photos, swatches

Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette
Although I bought it 2 years ago while visiting the most romantic city in the world - Paris, I think it's fair that my Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette has its own review. I know, there are sooo many reviews about it, but I want to tell my own opinion.

I was watching you tube videos and there was such a hype about, it that they made me want the famous Naked Palette. And after long searches without results, the trip to Paris was the perfect opportunity to buy it. It wasn't easy, I had maps where I could find Sephora shops:), but I couldn't even find it on Champs-Elysee and I was desperate to buy it! Imagine my husband's joy:)))...searching makeup products in Paris instead of visiting! Finally, I found it is a small Sephora inside the railway station, very close to our accommodation!
Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette
Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette

Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette
Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette
UD Naked Palette 1 is a really GOOD LOOKING palette with 12 gorgeous colours, when you see it, it makes you want to buy it. And the price is good for the what you get: for 12 beautiful eye shadows x 1.3 grams I paid 32 euro. It also contains an Urban Decay Primer Potion (I cannot show it to you because it is veeery scratched, looks ugly), a shadow brush and a mirror. It is a versatile palette, for both daytime and night-time look.
Urban Decay Primer Potion
Urban Decay Primer Potion -swatch
Naked 1 Palette - shadow brush
Naked 1 Palette - shadow brush
From left to right:
Virgin – a very light, neutral pink toned (shimmery), works great as a highlighter and as a lid colour.
Sin – frosty champagne with a touch of pink (shimmery)
Naked – subtle light brown (matte)
Sidecar – shimmery bronze brown with larger bits of gold (fall outs)
Buck – medium brown (matte)
Half Baked – gold bronze colour with metallic finish (fall outs)
Smog - medium dark coppery bronze (fall outs)
Dark Horse – shimmery darker brown with small bronze bits
Toasted - pinkish brown with a shimmery finish (satiny)
Hustle – dark plummy brown (shimmery)
Creep – dark blue with silver shimmer
Gunmetal – metallic blue-grey

Naked 1 Palette: Virgin, Sin, Naked, Sidecar
Naked 1 Palette: Buck, Half Baked, Smog, Dark Horse

Naked 1 Palette: Toasted, Hustle, Creep, Gunmetal
Swatches in the daylight: Urban Decay Naked Palette
I like the shades very much but I don't use it very often because I find some of the shadows too shimmery/glittery, but if you like shimmery/glittery eye shadows (some of them have fall outs), then go for it, it's a SUPERB and versatile palette!
For daytime sometimes I like to wear Virgin, Sin, Naked, Buck and Toasted, they are soft and velvety, without glitter. Sin and Toasted are my favorite shades, especially Toasted is really beautiful and goes well with my blue eyes. The pigmentation is very good, they blend easily and the staying power is great.

I also think it is a really nice palette for night outs: Sidecar, Half Baked, Toasted, Creep and Gunmetal are gorgeous colours
The primer potion helps with the staying power.
There is a synthetic shadow brush which I don't like, I find it too stiff.

I know there is also Urban Decay Naked Palette 2 available, but I wouldn't buy it, I prefer the way Naked Palette 1 looks.
You can buy both palettes from FeelUnique  (37£) or Ulta (54$)

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Do you prefer Naked 1 or Naked 2?

Kissses xxx

Urban Decay Naked Palette – review si poze
Desi am cumparat-o acum 2 ani, cand am vizitat cel mai romantic oras din lume – Parisul, cred ca este cinstit ca paleta mea Urban Decay Naked 1 Palette sa beneficieze si ea de un review. Stiu, sunt atat de multe pareri despre ea pe net, dar vreau sa va impartasesc si opinia mea, poate este putin diferita de opinia altor bloggerite.

Vedeam clipuri pe you tube si era atat de laudata paleta asta incat mi-am dorit si eu faimasa Naked Palette! Si, dupa multe cautari desarte, calatoria la Paris a fost ocazia perfecta de a o cumpara. Nu am gasit-o usor, aveam harti printate cu locurile unde se gasesc magazine Sephora:), dar nu am gasit-o nici macar la Sephora de pe Champs-Elysee si eram disperata sa o cumpar! Imaginati-va ce bucurie pe capul sotului:)))...cautand produse cosmetice in Paris, in loc sa viziteze obiective turistice. Intr-un final, am gasit-o intr-un Sephora mic, in interiorul garii, chiar in apropierea apartamentului unde stateam noi!

Naked Palette 1 este o paleta ce contine 12 culori superbe, cand o vezi te face sa-ti doresti sa o cumperi. Iar pretul este bun relativ la ce primesti: pentru 12 farduri de ochi superbe x 1.3 grame am platit 32 euro. In pret mai sunt incluse: un primer Urban Decay Primer Potion (nu vi-l pot arata in poze deoarece este foarte zgariat recipientul, arata horror), o pensula pentru aplicarea fardurilor si o oglinda. Este o paleta versatila, potrivita atat pentru realizarea unui machiaj de zi, cat si a unuia de seara.

De la stanga la dreapta:
Virgin – roz foarte deschis, neutru, potrivit atat ca highlighter, cat si pentru machiajul intregii pleoape (lucios)
Sin – culoarea sampaniei cu tenta putin roz (lucios)
Naked – maro deschis subtil (mat)
Sidecar – bronz maroniu stralucitor cu particule marisoare de auriu (cad pe fata)
Buck – maroniu mediu (mat)
Half Baked – bronz auriu cu aspect metalic (cade pe fata)
Smog – bronz aramiu inchis stralucitor (cade pe fata)
Dark Horse – maroniu inchis cu particule mici de bronz (stralucitor)
Toasted – maroniu cu tenta roz (satinat)
Hustle – maroniu pruna inchis (lucios)
Creep – albastru inchis cu particule mici argintii
Gunmetal – albastru-gri metalic

Eu nu o folosesc foarte des fiindca unele nuante sunt cam stralucitoare pentru gustul meu. Dar daca va plac fardurile de ochi stralucitoare, achizitionati-o, este o paleta SUPERBA cu care puteti realiza multe look-uri! (atentie, unele farduri cad pe fata).

Pentru machiaj de zi folosesc cateodata Virgin, Sin, Naked, Buck and Toasted, imi plac ca sunt fine si catifelate, fara sa straluceasca strident. Sin si Toasted sunt nuantele mele favorite, in special Toasted e foarte frumos si imi scoate in evidenta ochii albastri. Pigmentatia este foarte buna, fardurile sunt rezistente, usor de aplicat si blenduit.

Consider ca este o paleta foarte potrivita pentru seara: Sidecar, Half Baked, Toasted, Creep si Gunmetal sunt niste culori superbe! Din pacate, acestea se imprastie pe fata cand le aplic. (In timp ce scriam asta, mi-am adus aminte ca am vazut-o pe Lisa Eldridge – you tube beauty guru mentionand intr-un video ca nu intelegea de unde toata zarva legata de Naked Palette).

Primerul este foarte bun si fardurile rezista mai mult daca sunt aplicate peste acest primer.
Paleta contine si o pensula cu fibre sintetice pentru aplicarea fardului de ochi, dar nu imi place, mi se pare prea rigida).

Stiu ca a aparut si Urban Decay Naked Palette 2 , dar nu mi-as cumpara-o, imi place mai mult cum arata Naked Palette 1.
Puteti gasi ambele palete pe FeelUnique  (37£) sau Ulta

Va multumesc ca v-ati oprit pe pagina mea. Nu uitati sa apasati “like” sau “follow”:)

Preferati Naked 1? Sau Naked 2?



  1. I LOVE this palette! Don't know what I would do without mine!

  2. ah ce bine arata!!cred ca este f buna paleta!!:)
