Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-in Conditioner - review and photos

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Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-in Conditioner 
I like leave-in conditioners, they leave hair so soft and manageable and I need them because I dye my hair every month.
My last order from Amazon Uk included Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-In Conditioner, as I heard coconut oil does wonders for hair. After reading very good reviews on Makeupalley, I said to myself that I needed to test this conditioner especially as it contains 100% pure coconut oil and the price is so affordable (£ 2.80/ 150 ml).

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Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-in Conditioner 
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Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-in Conditioner

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Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-in Conditioner
Contains 100% pure coconut oil. Uniquely formulated to nourish and detangle hair whilst protecting against damage caused by heat styling. Paraben free”.

How I use it:
I shake the spray can well, then I spray on my shampooed and towel-dried hair. I use it sparingly as the fragrance is very sweet (of coconut of course). Once when I was having a flu, I put a little too much and couldn't stand the smell, I washed my hair immediately because the smell was sooo strong and I was feeling nauseous because of it.

My opinion:
I've been testing this leave-in conditioner for a while and finally I can now tell you my opinion. Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-In Conditioner is an efficient hair product which hydrates the hair, leaving it soft and manageable, making hair detangling a breeze. And the bonus: the hair does not get oily or sticky

As far as heat protecting is concerned, I cannot tell how good it is because I always use a professional heat protector, especially that I'm using a flat iron to straighten my hair. I wouldn't rely solely on Inecto...don't ask me why, cause I don't know:)...maybe because I trust professional hair products more, I don't want to risk and ruin my hair.

That being said, I am really happy with my purchase, maybe I should try more from Inecto range. If I will, I will surely let you know:)

Have you used Inecto products? Were you satisfied? What Inecto products would you recommend?

Thanks for stopping by! Stay tuned for more reviews! And don't forget to follow my blog!:)

Inecto Pure Coconut Balsam Leave-in cu Protectie Termica – opinie si poze
Imi plac balsamurile leave-in pentru par, iti lasa parul moale si il descurca foarte usor, iar eu am nevoie de ele pentru ca imi vopsesc parul lunar. Ultima comanda de pe Amazon Uk a inclus si Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-In Conditioner (Inecto Pure Coconut Balsam Leave-In cu protectie termica), fiindca am auzit ca uleiul de cocos face minuni in ceea ce priveste sanatatea parului. Dupa ce am citit opinii de bine pe Makeupalley , m-am gandit ca trebuie sa-l incerc si eu, mai ales ca are ca ingredient principal uleiul de cocos si, pe langa asta, este si ieftin ( putin peste 10 ron/150 ml).

“Contine ulei de cocos 100% pur. Formula unica pentru a hrani si descalci parul, totodata oferind protectie termica impotriva produselor de styling ce folosesc caldura. Nu contine parabeni”.

Cum il folosesc:
Agit bine tubul, apoi aplic pe parul proaspat spalat si uscat putin cu prosopul. Folosesc foarte putin deoarece mirosul este foarte dulceag (de cocos, bine-nteles). O data, cand am avut o viroza urata, am pus putin cam mult produs si nu am putut suporta mirosul, a trebuit sa-mi spal imediat parul fiindca mirosul era atat de puternic incat mi se facuse greata.

Parerea mea:
Testez balsamul asta de ceva vreme si pot sa imi dau cu parerea acum. Inecto Pure Coconut Heat Protecting Leave-In Conditioner este un produs eficient ce hidrateaza parul, lasandu-l moale si usor de pieptanat. Si ca bonus: nu lasa parul uleios sau lipicios. In ceea ce priveste protectia termica, nu pot sa-mi dau cu parerea deoarece folosesc intotdeauna produse profesionale pentru protectie termica, mai ales ca folosesc si placa pentru a-mi intinde parul. Nu m-as baza doar pe ma intrebati de ce, ca nu stiu:)...poate pentru ca am mai multa incredere in produsele profesionale, nu vreau sa risc sa-mi deteriorez de tot parul.
Astea fiind spuse, sunt foarte multumita de achizitie, poate ar trebui sa incerc si alte produse Inecto. Daca o sa o fac, cu siguranta veti afla:).

Ati incercat produse Inecto? Ati fost multumite? Ce produse din gama Inecto ati recomanda?

Multumesc ca v-ati oprit pe pagina mea! Stati aproape pentru mai multe review-uri. Si nu uitati sa dati “like” sau “follow”!:)

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