Monday, June 17, 2013

Nails on a Budget: Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish | review

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish
This is my first review for a nail polish, I'm not a big fan of nail polishes, I mainly wear them during the summer. I was looking for a coral shade, but these two Rimmel 60 Seconds Nail Polishes405 Rose Libertine and 620 How do you lilac it? - caught my attention and I completely forgot about the coral shade. But I already have one on my wish list: Instyle Coral, I saw reviews about it and looks really nice.

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish
The Rimmel 60 Seconds range – which has an impressive number of shades - is a nail polish that claims to dry on the nails within 60 seconds and indeed they dry very fast, they are perfect for on the go applicationThey have an “express brush for 1 second application” which I like, it is wide and it really helps with applying the product quickly and easily on the nails. Rimmel states that one coat is enough, but I prefer to apply two coats for a better coverage, only one coat being too sheer for me. Applied like this, it started to chip off after 2 days (without a top coat).

405 Rose Libertine, is a beautiful colour, a classic pale pink with a shiny finish which looks elegant, I think it just goes with everything.

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 405 Rose Libertine
620 How do you lilac? looks beautiful in the bottle, it's a light lavander colour, but on my nails...I'm not so happy about it. My husband asked me “what's with this colour on your nails?” and my mother said that I have the nails of a dead person!:)))

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
 620 How do you lilac it? - one coat

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
620 How do you lilac it? - two coats

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?

Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish: 620 How do you lilac it?
620 How do you lilac it? - after 2 days

I suppose you already know which one is my favorite: Rose Libertine is the winner!

I like the size of the bottles, they are small and if you like to change nail polishes often, these are perfect: small and on a budget.
The Rimmel 60 Seconds range is available in most major department stores. I paid about 2 £ / 2.7 $ for one bottle (8 ml.)

UPDATE: I don't wear them any more, I am tired of doing my nails every day.

Do you own any of these? What's your favorite shade?

Kisses xxx

Unghii cu buget redus: Rimmel London 60 Seconds Nail Polish | review
Acesta este primul meu review despre un lac de unghii, nu sunt o fana a lacurilor de unghii, le folosesc in general in timpul verii. Eram in cautarea unui lac nuanta coral, insa sticlutele astea doua Rimmel 60 Seconds Nail Polishes – 405 Rose Libertine si 620 How do you lilac? - mi-au atras atentia, uitand complet de nuanta coral. Dar deja am una pe lista: Instyle Coral, am vazut cateva review-uri despre ea si arata foarte bine.

Gama Rimmel 60 Seconds – caracterizata printr-o gama impresionanta de nuante – contine lacuri de unghii ce se usuca in “60 de secunde” - si, intr-adevar, se usuca foarte repede, sunt excelente pentru momentele cand sunteti pe fuga. 

Au o pensula ce ajuta la aplicatea lacului intr-o secunda, imi place ca este lata si chiar ajuta la aplicarea rapida si usoara a lacului pe unghii. Rimmel specifica faptul ca aplicarea unui singur strat este suficienta, dar mie imi place sa aplic doua, un singur strat parandu-mi-se prea transparent. Aplicat in acest fel, manichiura a inceput sa se deterioreze dupa doua zile (fara top coat).

405 Rose Libertine este o culoare frumoasa, un roz clasic cu un luciu elegant, cred ca se potriveste la absolut orice.

620 How do you lilac? arata foarte bine in sticluta, are culoarea lavandei, mai pala, dar pe unghii nu arata deloc bine. Sotul, cand m-a vazut, m-a intrebat ce e cu culoarea aia pe unghiile mele, iar mama mea mi-a spus ca am unghii de mort:)))).

Presupun ca deja stiti care este preferata mea: castigatoarea este “405 Rose Libertine”!

Imi place dimensiunea mica a sticlutei, este mica si daca va place sa schimbati des lacul de unghii, aceasta e perfecta: mica si ieftina.
Gama Rimmel 60 Seconds este disponibila in majoritatea supermarketurilor. Eu am platit aproximativ 9 ron/ 2£ pentru o sticluta (8 ml.)

UPDATE: Nu le mai folosesc, m-am saturat sa imi fac unghiile zilnic:(

Voi le-ati incercat? Care este nuanta voastra favorita?

Kisses xxx


  1. I did have a giggle about your Mum's comment about having a dead person's nails. I love Rimmel polishes, they're usually so cheap and reasonably good quality. I love the rose shade xx

    Gemma | ♥ Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Actually my husband said that... That sounds bad:))) I also love the rose shade. Thanks for the comment!

  2. good post haha :)
    I love rimmel 60 seconds polishes
    nothing worse than waiting a long time for nails to dry

    1. It's the first time I wear Rimmel nail polish on my nails and I like it.
