Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 To die for - review, photos and swatches

Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”
A new favorite eyeshadow quad for me! And very inexpensive!
Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 “To die for” has been my every day eyeshadow palette lately and comprises three lovely neutral shimmery shades and a matte one: a shimmery white, a champagne beige shade (shimmery), a rich brown with tiny gold shimmer bits and the a deep matte chocolate brown shade.

I wear the first one (white) as a brow highlighter, the champagne one on the entire lid and in the crease and the outer-v I apply one of the dark browns.

The quality is unbelievable for the price, they are buttery soft, pigmented and blend out easily, without fall outs. And not chalky or glittery at all. I don't use a primer at the moment (I used to wear the one from Urban Decay Naked Palette, but it's over now), but the staying power is good even without a primer. I applied it at 7 o'clock and now is almost 13 o'clock and no creasing, no fading. Only fall-outs from mascara:)

The package is made from transparent plastic, with Essence logo on top, simple, but nice. There is no applicator, but I use brushes, I don't use sponge applicators anyway.
Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”
Swatch: Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Swatch: Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Swatch: Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Swatch: Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”

Swatch: Essence Eyeshadow Quad 05 "To die for”
Final thoughts:
Essence 05 "To die for” eyeshadow palette comes as a nice surprise! I was thinking that it couldn't be that good because the price is an absolute bargain, but I was so wrong, this quad is amazingly good for the price (in my country you can get it for approx. 5 USD/3£  at Douglas).

Have you tried Essence makeup products? What else would you recommend from this brand?

Essence Fard de Ochi 05 "To die for” - opinie si poze
Un nou fard de ochi preferat in momentul de fata! Si foarte ieftin!
Paleta de farduri Essence 05 “To die for” este, in momentul de fata, preferata mea in ceea ce priveste machiajul de zi si cuprinde trei nuante shimmery neutre si una mata: un alb putin stralucitor, o nuanta beige sampanie (shimmery), un maro cu ceva straluciri aurii micute si un ciocolatiu mat.

Prima nuanta (cea alba) o folosesc ca si higlighter sub spranceana, cea in culoarea sampaniei o folosesc pe toata pleoapa, iar in coltul extern al ochiului si in cuta ochiului folosesc una din cele doua nuante inchise de maro.

Raportul calitate/pret este foarte bun in raport cu pretul, chiar nu-mi vine sa cred ce ieftina a fost! Fardurile sunt fine, pigmentate, se “blenduiesc” usor si nu cad pe fata cand le aplic. Nu sunt prafoase, nici "sclipicioase". In momentul de fata nu am un primer (l-am terminat pe cel din paleta Urban Decay Naked), dar fardurile se comporta bine chiar si fara primer. Le-am aplicat la 7 dimineata si acum e aproape ora 13 si nu s-au strans in cute, nici nu s-au estompat. Numai rimelul s-a cam intins:)

Ambalajul este din plastic transparent, cu logo-ul Essence imprimat pe capac, simplu, dar dragut. Trusa nu are aplicator, dar eu personal folosesc pensule, nu folosesc aplicator de burete.

Paleta Essence 05 "Tod die for” este o surpriza placuta! Ma gandeam ca nu poate fi mare lucru de capul ei pentru ca pretul e foarte mic, dar m-am inselat, este foarte buna pentru pretul pe care il are (in jur de 16 ron la Douglas).

Ati folosit produce Essence? Ce altceva imi puteti recomanda din gama lor?


  1. I love that the shadows are neutral. What mascara do you use, it's lovely!?


  2. I also like that they are neutral, my kind of makeup. I wear L'Oreal Million Lashes, you can read the review here:
    Unfortunately, I have fall-outs on my face from using it (they were not so noticeable in reality, I noticed them on my lid only when looking at the photos).
    Thanks for stopping by!:)
