Monday, April 1, 2013

My cleansing routine

My cleansing routine
To keep my skin looking healthy, cleansing (and moisturizing of course) is essential. My cleansing routine is pretty simple. Here are the products I'm using at the moment:

              1. L'Oreal Triple Active Balance Cleansing Milk (for normal and combination skin)
              2. L'Oreal Vivifying Scrub with natural apricot micro-beads
              3. Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Nose Strips

First I start by washing my hands, than I remove my makeup and dirt using L'Oreal Triple Active Cleansing Milk, by applying it on a cotton pad (sometimes I apply it directly onto my skin) and then I gently wipe against my face until all makeup is removed. As I don't have waterproof products, I like to use the same cleanser for my eyes. After this step I wash my face thoroughly, then I apply moisturizer. Sometimes I apply an alcohol-free toning lotion, but I don't have one at the moment.

I know cleansing should be done twice a day, but I don't do this. Cleansing too frequently can strip the skin of its natural oils, which will make those with dry skin have even drier skin. It will also make those with oily skin have even oilier skin. In the morning I only apply moisturizer and eye cream, than I proceed with my makeup. When I'm not going outside, I only apply moisturizer and eye cream.

Once or twice a week I like to deep clean my face using L'Oreal Vivifying Scrub with natural apricot micro-beads. I wash my face, put the scrub on my face avoiding eye area and gently massage the skin in circular motions, then wash and dry my face and apply moisturizer. I'm also thinking about trying a chemical peel at home using glycolic acid (ISIS Glyco-A12). I will tell you the results:)

For blackheads and clogged pores on my nose I apply nose strips from time to time, as I forget to use them regularly:) The ones I'm using at the moment are from Boots (Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Nose Strips), but they're not good at all. I will review all the mentioned products in another post.
This is my current cleansing routine. What face cleansing products are you using?
Kisses xxx

Rutina mea de ingrijire a fetei
Pentru a avea o piele sanatoasa, curatarea (si hidratarea) ei sunt esentiale. 
Rutina mea de ingrijire a fetei este destul de simpla. Acestea sunt produsele folosite de mine:

            1. L'Oreal Triple Active Balance Cleansing Milk (pentru ten normal si mixt)
            2. L'Oreal Vivifying Scrub cu granule din samburi de caise
            3. Benzi pentru nas Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Nose Strips

Incep prin a-mi spala bine mainile, apoi indepartez machiajul si murdaria folosind laptele demachiant L'Oreal Triple Active, aplicandu-l pe o discheta demachianta (cateodata il aplic direct pe piele) si sterg usor fata pana cand tot machiajul este indepartat. Deoarece nu folosesc produse waterproof, imi place sa folosesc acelasi demachiant si pentru zona ochilor. Dupa acest pas imi spal bine fata, apoi aplic o crema hidratanta. Cateodata folosesc lotiune tonica fara alcool, dar in momentu acesta nu am una.

Stiu ca este indicat sa cureti fata de doua ori pe zi, dar eu nu procedez asa. Curatarea fetei facuta prea des poate indeparta uleiurile naturale din piele, facand ca pielea uscata sa devina si mai uscata, iar pielea grasa devine si mai grasa. Dimineata aplic doar crema hidratanta si crema pentru zona ochilor, apoi ma machiez. Cand nu ies afara, folosesc doar crema hidratanta si cea pentru ochi.

O data sau de doua ori pe saptamana imi place sa curat pielea in profunzime folosind L'Oreal Vivifying Scrub cu particule naturale de samburi de caisa. Imi spal fata, aplic scrub-ul pe fata, evitand zona ochilor si masez usor pielea cu miscari circulare, apoi ma sterg cu prosopul si aplic crema hidratanta. Ma gandesc sa folosesc si o crema cu acid glicolic (ISIS Glyco A-12). O sa va spun rezultatele:)

Pentru punctele negre si porii dilatati de pe nas folosesc benzi speciale pentru zona nasului, din cand in cand, deoarece uit sa le folosesc regulat:) Cele pe care le folosesc in momentul de fata sunt de la Boots (Boots Tea Tree and Witch Hazel Nose Strips), dar nu sunt bune de nimic. O sa fac review-uri separate pentru toate produsele enumerate mai sus.
Aceasta este rutina mea de curatare a tenului in momentul de fata. Voi ce produse folositi?