Wednesday, April 10, 2013

L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub - review and photos

L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub
As I promised in a previous post, today I am going to review another L'Oreal you can see I am an L'Oreal fan:)...they make good products!
My favorite facial scrub - L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub - is a natural formula with apricot micro-beads which helps exfoliate impurities and dead cells, leaving the skin beautiful, smooth and radiant. The smell is nice and fresh, like apricot.

L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub
L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub
L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub
It is recommended to use facial scrubs twice a week. I usually exfoliate my face once a week.
How I use it: I wash my face, then apply a small amount of L'Oreal Vivifying Scrub and massage gently, then wash again and moisturize.

Pro's: it is gentle, smells nice, good price
Con's: none

Give it a try, you'll like it!

What scrub are you using?

L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub - opinie si poze
Asa cum am promis intr-un post anterior, astazi voi prezenta un alt produs L'Oreal...dupa cum bine vedeti, sunt fan L'Oreal:) produse foarte bune!
Exfoliantul meu preferat – L'Oreal Triple Active Vivifying Scrub – are o formula naturala cu micro-particule de samburi de caise, ce ajuta la indepartarea impuritatilor si a celulelor moarte, lasand pielea frumoasa, moale si plina de prospetime. Mirosul este unul placut, fresh, un miros de caise.

Este recomandat a se exfolia fata de doua ori pe saptamana. Eu il folosesc o singura data pe saptamana.

Cum il folosesc: ma spal pe fata, apoi aplic o cantitate mica de exfoliant L'Oreal Vivifying Scrub, apoi masez usor, iar in final spal din nou si aplic o crema hidratanta.

Aspecte pozitive: e finut, miroase placut, are pret ok
Aspecte negative: niciunul

Incercati-l, o sa va placa!

Voi ce scrub folositi?


  1. I do love a good face scrub as I get really dry flaky skin I'm using one from Virginia vie which you can mix with a serum to make a face mask.i love it but can be a little harsh has its a very thick paste not like this.

    Lovely post

    Carrieanne x

  2. I also have flaky skin sometimes and it's imperative to use a scrub, especially before applying foundation. Thanks for the comment:)
