Thursday, March 7, 2013

Max Factor Colour Perfection Duo Eyeshadow in Supernova Pearls 420– review, photos, swatches

Max Factor Eyeshadow - Supernova Pearls
Today I am doing a review for an eyeshadow I have bought recently: Supernova Pearls by Max Factor. I haven't had a Max Factor product in ages! I used to buy a lot of their products in the past as they were good quality, I don't know why they didn't get my attention recently.

The plastic case is pretty sturdy and contains two neutral eye shadows that work great together and a sponge applicator (I hate sponge applicators, I always use brushes, I will show you my brushes in another post).

Max Factor Eyeshadow - Supernova Pearls
Max Factor Supernova Pearls
Swatch: Max Factor Supernova Pearls eyeshadow (daylight, without flash)
The shades have a satin finish with a subtle sheen which I always prefer for an all-over lid application. The first one is a soft warm beige champagne and I apply it on the entire lid (good for highlighting the brow bone also), the second one is a medium-dark bronzy brown which I can be applied in the outer corner of the eye and in the crease. The brown can be used as an all-over lid shadow as well, but I haven't tried it this way yet. 
Here is the swatch on my hand in the daylight, without flash:

Swatch: Max Factor Supernova Pearls without flash
They have a smooth formula and blend easily.
The pigmentation is good and there are no fall-outs.
The staying power is not bad but they tend to crease a little after couple of hours (without a primer). With a primer, the staying power is better.
That's all about my new Max Factor!
I hope you liked my article!

Fard de ochi Max Factor Colour Perfection Supernova Pearls 420 - opinie, poze, aplicare

 Astazi voi face un review unui fard de ochi pe care l-am cumparat recent: Supernova Pearls din gama Max Factor. 
Nu am mai avut un fard Max Factor de foarte mult timp! In trecut obisnuiam sa cumpar multe produse de-ale lor fiindca imi place a calitatea lor, nu stiu de ce in ultimul timp nu mi-au mai atras atentia.

Ambalajul de plastic este unul rezistent si contine doua nuante neutre ce se combina frumos impreuna si un aplicator cu buretel (urasc aplicatoarele cu burete, intotdeauna folosesc pensule, o sa va arat pensulele mele intr-un alt articol).

Fardurile au o textura satinata cu o stralucire subtila, tipul acesta de farduri fiind preferatul meu pentru aplicarea pe toata pleoapa mobila. Prima nuanta este un bej sampanie cald si il aplic pe intraga pleoapa (poate fi folosit cu succes si ca highlighter sub spranceana), a doua este un maroniu de intensitate medie, cu usoara tenta de bronz, maroniu ce poate fi aplicat in coltul extern al ochiului si in pliul pleoapei. Poate fi folosit si ca nuanta de baza, pe toata pleoapa mobila, dar eu personal nu am incercat inca varianta asta. 

Fardurile au o granulatie fina si se aplica cu usurinta.
Sunt bine pigmentate si nu se imprastie peste tot la aplicare.
Rezista bine pe ochi, dar au tendinta sa se stranga putin in cute dupa cateva ore (fara primer). Cu primer, rezista si mai bine.

Cam atat despre noul meu Max Factor!
Sper ca v-a placut articolul meu!


  1. Hi Oli. This seems super great colour. I think I am going to try them. Your pictures are great..I like them a lot;)
    xoxo Nika

    Nika's Beauty Land

    1. Yes, Nika, the colours are nice and wearable. I don't agree with your opinion about my pics, I want better:). I want to buy a tripod and will edit them a little. as soon as I have time to improve my skills. Kisses!
