Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Magic concealer: L'Oreal Touche Magique – review, photos, swatches

 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer
 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer
This is by far my favorite concealer! 
It is often compared to YSL Touche Eclat Concealer pen, being the cheaper version of it. Actually is not that cheap, there are lots of concealers cheaper than L'Oreal Touche Magique.

The product information 
"L'OréalParis True Match Touche Magique Concealer is an anti-fatigue and illuminating concealer which helps to visibly improve the appearance of dark circles and fine lines, leaving the delicate skin around the eye area looking radiant, as well as perfectly concealing any blemishes.
L'Oréal Paris True Match Touche Magique has a soft brush applicator, making precise and controlled application easy.

 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer
 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer brush applicator

Oil-free and non-comedogenic”.
In my country, there are 4 shades: N1 Touche Magique, N2 Touche Magique, N3-4-5 Natural Beige, D3-4-5 Warm Beige, N6 Touche Magique.
I use the shade N3-4-5 Natural Beige and it suits my skin tone perfectly.

 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer
 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer - N3-4-5 Natural Beige
How I use it: 
I apply it with the brush applicator, blend with this brush, then I blend a little with my fingers. Sometimes I apply compact powder, but usually I just skip this step as I don't find it necessary.
like to use it under my eyes only (I have really bad dark under eye circles) and on my lids as a base for eyeshadow, but can also be used as an highlighter in the corner of the eyes, along the bridge of the nose, under the brow, on the forehead and around the nose as it illuminates the skin very well.

 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer
Swatch: L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer (heavy, daylight, without flash)

 L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer
Swatch: L'Oreal Touche Magique Concealer (blended, without flash)
My opinion:

It is an amazing illuminating concealer! Actually the best I've worn! Touche Magique illuminates dark under eye circles, covers up blemishes really well and can act like a highlighter.
The product is dispensed by twisting one end until the bristles are loaded. It has a built-in applicator brush, which I also like, not scratchy at all and makes it very easy to apply.
The formula is creamy and smooth and does not dry my skin. With other concealers my under eye lines are emphasized and my skin looks very dry. Not in this case! Does not settle into fine lines, especially if I wear it with face powder on.
It has great staying power, lasting the whole day without fading.
Although this product is a little pricey, it is 100% worth the money in my opinion.
Pros: Covers dark circles well, does not settle into lines, is not cakey, lasts the whole day

Cons: None
I would buy this again!
Where to buy: Feel Unique (6.95 £)

Have you ever used L'Oreal Touche Eclat? 
I would love to hear your opinion about it!
What other concealers have worked for you?
Thanks for reading my post!

Anticearcanul magic: L'Oreal Touche Magique – opinie, poze
Este, de departe, anticearcanul meu preferat! 
Este adesea comparat cu YSL Touche Eclat, fiind considerat versiunea mai ieftina a acestuia din urma. Desi nu este chiar atat de ieftin, exista multe alte anticearcane mai ieftine decat L'Oreal Touche Magique.

Informatii despre produs:
L'Oreal Paris True Match Touche Magique Concealer este un anticearcan iluminator anti-oboseala care ajuta la acoperirea cearcanelor si la estomparea ridurilor fine, conferind stralucire pielii din jurul ochilor, totodata acoperind cu succes imperfectiunile fetei.
L'Oreal Paris True Match Touche Magique Concealer are un aplicator cu pensula fina ce ajuta la aplicarea precisa a produsului.
Este oil-free si non-comedogenic”.
In tara mea se gasesc 4 nuante: N1 Touche Magique, N2 Touche Magique, N3-4-5 Natural Beige, D3-4-5 Warm Beige, N6 Touche Magique.
Eu folosesc nuanta N3-4-5 Naturaj Beige si mi se potriveste perfect.
Il aplic cu ajutorul pensulei, il intind cu pensula, iar la final tapotez/intind si cu degetele. Cateodata termin cu o pudra de fata, dar in general sar peste acest pas deoarece nu-l consider necesar. Imi place sa-l folosesc doar sub ochi (am cearcane foarte accentuate) si pe pleoape ca baza pentru fardul de ochi, dar poate fi folosit ca iluminator in coltul intern al ochilor, pe nas, sub sprancene, pe frunte si in jurul nasului deoarece lumineaza fata foarte frumos.
Parerea mea:

Este un anticearcan iluminator super! 
De fapt, este cel mai bun pe care l-am folosit! Touche Magique ofera luminozitatea zonei de sub ochi, acopera imperfectiunile fetei foarte bine si poate fi folosit ca highlighter/iluminator al fetei.
Anticearcanul se scoate prin invartirea capatului “stiloului” pana cand pensula este impregnata cu produs. Are un aplicator incorporat care imi place, nu zgarie fata deloc si face aplicarea usoara.
Formula este cremoasa, fina si nu usuca pielea. Cand folosesc anumite anticearcane, ridurile fine din jurul ochiului sunt scoase in evidenta si pielea arata foarte uscata. Nu si in acest caz! Nu se strange in riduri, mai ales daca il folosesc cu pudra deasupra.
Rezista foarte bine, ramanand pe fata toata ziua.
Desi produsul este destul de scump, isi merita toti banii...parerea mea.
Aspecte pozitive: Acopera cearcanele foarte bine, nu se strange in riduri, nu arata incarcat, rezista toata ziua.

Aspecte negative: Niciunul

L-as cumpara din nou oricand!
De unde puteti sa-l cumparati: Feel Unique (6.95 £)

Ati folosit L'Oreal Touche Eclat? 
Mi-ar placea sa aud daca ati fost multumite de el!
Ce alte anticearcane ati folosit si ati fost multumite?
Multumesc ca ati citit articolul!


  1. I have been using this L'Oreal concealer (Natural Beige) for years. The best I've tried so far. From time to time I try other concealers but they don't work as good as this one! Haven't tried Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat yet (it's quite expensive and I'm not sure which shade to choose).

  2. Yes, I will buy it again for sure...over and over again! It's the best I've tried! Thanks for stopping by my blog:)

  3. Nu iti mai citesc blogul. Gata! :))
    Prea multe tentatii. Ma faci sa il vreau si eu.
    Mi-am cumparat deja masca Macadamian Oil dupa ce am citit la tine, e pe drum :)
    Acum vreau si concealer-ul asta :))))
    Nu ne mai tenta! Glumesc.
    E foarte bine ca ai scris de el, l-am pus pe wishlist-ul mental :P

    1. Gata, de maine inchid blogul!:)) O sa-ti placa Macadamian Oil...SPER!, altfel cred ca am incurcat-o:)). Merci, esti o draguta. Pupici.
      By the way, postarea asta a fost scrisa de vreo jumatate de an, nu stiu ce am facut de am postat-o din nou.

  4. M-ai facut tare curioasa si parca l-as incerca si eu! :)
