Thursday, March 21, 2013

L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque – review and photos

L'Oreal Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque
First of all...I have a new lovely logo!!! Thanks LL Studio! (
Ok, let's start...The most recent acquisition I've made was L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque.
I've been bleaching my hair for years.
Last time I went to my hair stylist complaining about my hair not being in a good shape and she said my hair was not damaged, but described it as “thin” and recommended me L'Oreal Liss Ultime Polymer AR masque. I've been using it for couple of weeks and now I can do a review.

L'Oreal Liss Ultime range smooths and nourishes unmanageable, frizzy hair with Argan & Olive oils and protects against humidity.

What L'Oreal claims about Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque:
Intensely nourish, repair and smooth your frizzy, unmanageable hair. Works in minutes leaving you with super smooth, luscious locks.
L’Oreal Liss Ultime Masque uses its key technology, Polymer AR, to wrap the hair fibre with a special anti-humidity shield, keeping it smooth and glossy while stopping frizz in its tracks.
Polytensium technology gives shine and softness to the hair.

L'Oreal Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque

L'Oreal Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque

L'Oreal Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque
Directions For Use:
• Apply and massage into shampooed and towel-dried hair.
• Ensure it is distributed evenly.
• Leave for 2-3 minutes.
• Rinse thoroughly.

My opinion:
This hair treatment comes in a nice purple colour container of 200 ml/6.7fl.oz. The consistency of the mask is thick and not greasy. The smell is nice and lasts the whole day on my hair. It really hydrates my hair, leaving it smooth and easy to detangle. It is supposed to protect it from humidity, but I usually use a thermal protection spray at the end of my hair care routine which has the same effects, that's why I cannot say if it really protects from humidity. As for frizziness, L'Oreal Liss Ultime mask calms it, but not completely. I still use hair straightener or round hair brush when blow-drying my hair to make it look smooth.

How I use it: I shampoo my hair, then apply and massage evenly the mask on my towel dried hair (sometimes from roots to end, sometimes on the hair ends only), let it work for 3-5 minutes (cause I think more is better), then I rinse.

Pros: Hydrates, nourishes, detangles, smells nice, leaves hair soft
Cons: Expensive, frizziness still exists

You can buy it in hair salons or online from or

Rating: 4/5

What hair treatments for bleached hair have you tried and were satisfied with? 
Kisses xxx

L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Ultime Polymer AR Masque – opinie si poze
Inainte de a un nou logo tare dragut! Multumesc LL Studio ( 
Ok, sa incepem...Cea mai recenta achizitie pe care am facut-o este masca de par L'Oreal Professionnel Liss Ultime Polymer AR.
Mi-am vopsit parul blond ani de zile. Ultima data cand am fost salon si m-am plans coafezei ca parul meu nu este intr-o conditie foarte buna, mi-a spus ca parul nu este distrus, dar l-a caracterizat ca fiind subtire si mi-a recomandat sa folosesc masca Liss Ultime Polymer AR. O folosesc deja de cateva saptamani si pot sa-mi spun parerea.

Gama L'Oreal Liss Ultime netezeste si hraneste aspru, rebel cu ajutorul uleiurilor de argan si masline din componenta sa, totodata protejand parul impotriva umiditatii.

Ce spune L'Oreal despre masca Liss Ultime Polymer AR:
Hraneste, trateaza si netezeste parul rebel, aspru, greu de disciplinat. Actioneaza in cateva minute, lasand parul extrem de neted si stralucitor.
L’Oreal Liss Ultime Masque beneficiaza de tehnologia Polymer AR, care invaluie firul de par cu o protectie anti-umiditate, facandu-l moale, stralucitor si usor de aranjat.
Tehnologia Polytensium conferă luciu şi o catifelare de durată.

Cum se aplica:
Aplicati si masati pe parul spalat si uscat cu prosopul.
Distribuiti uniform pe tot parul.
Lasati sa actioneze 2-3 minute
Clatiti abundent.

Parerea mea:
Masca vine intr-un ambalaj frumos colorat, violet deschis, de 200 ml. Consistenta este onctuoasa, fara a fi grasa. Mirosul este placut si se mentine intreaga zi pe par. Imi hidrateaza foarte bine parul, lasandu-l moale si usor de descalcit. Producatorul precizeaza ca protejeaza impotriva umiditatii, dar eu folosesc de obicei si un produs cu protectie termica ce se presupune ca face acelasi lucru, asa ca nu pot spune daca intr-adevar protejeaza sau nu de umiditate. In ceea ce priveste parul rebel/neastamparat, masca L'Oreal Liss Ultime il “disciplineaza”, dar nu complet. Folosesc totusi placa de par sau perie rotunda cand ma usuc pe par pentru a-l intinde complet.

Cum o folosesc: Imi samponez parul, apoi aplic masca uniform pe parul uscat cu prosopul (cateodata o aplic de la radacina la varfuri, cateodata doar la varfuri), o las sa actioneze 3-5 minute (consider ca daca o las mai mult are efect mai puternic), apoi clatesc.

Aspecte pozitive: Hidrateaza, hraneste, descalceste, miroase frumos, face parul moale
Aspecte negative: Scumpa, parul rebel nu este astamparat complet.

O puteti cumpara din saloanele de coafura sau online de pe sau
Nota: 4/5

Ce tratamente pentru par decolorat ati folosit si ati fost multumite?


  1. this looks really nice:) I always like l'oreal. I'm using a Toni and guy one at the moment though & that's great xx

  2. Thanks! I've heard about Toni and Guy but I haven't seen it in our shops.

  3. I have this and I quite like it! It's works well but I prefer my Macadamia Deep Repair one! <33

    I am running an International Giveaway on my blog now, and I'd love it if you enter! :))


  4. Never used Macadamia Deep Repair, but I've heard it is very good, I must try it, thanks for the tip! Congratulations for your 500 followers, I'll enter the giveaway later today:). Your blog looks lovely!
