Sunday, February 17, 2013

Caresse your lips! L'Oreal Rouge Caresse Rebel Red lipstick review, photos, swatches

L'Oreal came out last year with their Rouge Caresse lipsticks range, it seems that there are 14 shades to choose from: 301 Dating Coral, 04 Rose Mademoiselle, 501 Nude Ingenue, 06 Aphrodite Scarlet, 403 Hypnotic Red, 103 Sweet Berry, 602 Irresistible Expresso, 202 Impulsive Fuchsia, 203 Rock'n'Mauve, 02 Innocent Pink, 101 Tempting Lilac, 201 Flirty Violet, 401 Rebel Red and 503 Seductive Beige. 

I chose to buy 401 Rebel Red, thinking a pop of red would look good on me. But it doesn't. I should have chosen some other color. Anyway, I'm gonna review this one, trying to be objective.

L'Oreal Caresse Rebel Red

Swatch: L'Oreal Caresse Rebel Red (daylight, without flash)

L'Oreal Caresse Rebel Red is a gorgeous colour, a transparent fresh red, smooth and shiny, perfect for daytime. The colour is buildable, the texture is sheer, you get more coverage than a lip gloss, but less than a lipstick. It has a moisturizing formula, with a slightly glossy look, but no sticky at all.

L'Oreal Caresse Rebel Red on my lips (daylight, without flash)
      In the pictures, the colour looks less vibrant than in it is in reality.

It does not have a particular smell or taste on the lips.
The downside is that you have to reapply it often.
The packaging is nice, quite sturdy. 

Have you tried any of these colours? What do you think about it?
Thanks for reading!

L'Oreal Rouge Caresse Rebel Red lipstick review, photos, swatches
L'Oreal a scos pe piata anul trecut gama de rujuri Rouge Caresse, se pare ca gama contine 14 nuante dintre care puteti alege: 301 Dating Coral, 04 Rose Mademoiselle, 501 Nude Ingenue, 06 Aphrodite Scarlet, 403 Hypnotic Red, 103 Sweet Berry, 602 Irresistible Expresso, 202 Impulsive Fuchsia, 203 Rock'n'Mauve, 02 Innocent Pink, 101 Tempting Lilac, 201 Flirty Violet, 401 Rebel Red and 503 Seductive Beige.

Am ales sa cumpar nuanta Rebel Red (401), gandindu-ma ca imi va sta bine. Dar nu mi se potriveste, trebuia sa aleg alta culoare. Oricum, imi voi spune parerea despre el, incercand sa fiu obiectiva.

Rebel Red este o nuanta superba, un rosu aprins transparent, este cremos si lucios, perfect pentru purtat ziua. Pentru o culoare mai aprinsa se poate aplica in mai multe straturi, textura este asa-zisa "sheer", se obtine o acoperire mai mare decat a unui gloss de buze, dar mai mica decat a unui ruj.

Este un ruj hidratant, seamana putin cu un gloss de buze, dar fara a fi lipicios.
Nu are un miros sau gust anume. 
Dezavantajul este ca trebuie aplicat cam des.
Ambalajul este dragut, pare rezistent.

Ati incercat vreuna din nuantele L'Oreal Rouge Caresse? Ce parere aveti despre ele?
Multumesc ca mi-ati vizitat pagina!