Wednesday, February 13, 2013

L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush lip gloss review, photos, swatches

I'm doing a very short review for this product.
Years ago I had L'Oreal Glam Shine Moon Crystal lip gloss and I absolutely love it, it had such a nice colour,texture...and the smell...oh, I loved the smell. I wanted to repurchased it, but when I saw Rosewood Blush I decided to give it a try.

L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush

L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush no. 157
Swatch: L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush (daylight, without flash)

L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush is more pigmented, kind of salmon pink, but the delicious smell I knew from the previous lip gloss disappeared. Such a shame!:(

Because of the pigmentation, I don't need to use it with lipstick. As I said before, I have quite dry lips, but this gloss seems moisturizing.

L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush on my lips (without flash)
Overall, I like Rosewood Blush, but I liked Moon Crystal more.

L'Oreal Glam Shine Rosewood Blush lip gloss review
Pentru acest produs fac o foarte scurta descriere.
Acum cativa ani am avut luciul de buze L'Oreal Glam Shine, in nuanta Moon Crystal, care mi-a placut foarte mult, avea culoare si textura mirosul...imi placea foarte mult cum mirosea. Am vrut sa-l cumpar din nou, dar cand am vazut Rosewood Blush am decis sa-l incerc pe acesta.
Luciul de buze L'Oreal Glam Shine in nuanta Rosewood Blush este mai pigmentat, este un fel de roz-somon, dar nu are mirosul acela placut pe care il stiam. Pacat!:(
Fiindca este destul de pigmentat, nu este nevoie sa aplic ruj inainte de luciul de buze. Cum am mai specificat mai demult, am buze cu tendinta de uscare, dar gloss-ul acesta pare hidratant.
In mare, imi place Rosewood Blush, dar mi-a placut mai mult Moon Crystal.