Sunday, February 24, 2013

Worth buying? Best-selling Tangle Teezer hair brush - review and photos

Tangle Teezer!...There's so much rave on the internet about this brush! Women all over the world are raving about it on Youtube, Amazon, blogs etc. In magazines it is ranked as an award winning product. I decided I should try it and thankfully a friend of mine gave it to me as a gift (she bought it from Amazon UK) and now I can do a review about it.
As they say in its description, Tangle Teezer Original is a professional detangling hairbrush that “has taken the beauty industry by storm overnight”.

Tangle Teezer in pink by Shawn P.

Tangle Teezer

Tangle Teezer

It is advertised as an innovation that detangles your hair effortlessly and gently, with no pain and can be used on wet or dry hair as well.
I use it on my wet hair, after applying hair mask or conditioner, and it helps with distributing the product evenly through my hair. I don't like to use it on dry hair, as it makes my hair static.
The Tangle Teezer is also fantastic for kids who tend to have especially sensitive scalps. My little girl is 2 year old and loves it. And it doesn't make her hair go static like mine, probably because her hair is in a better condition than mine (mine is bleached).

Tangle Teezer
The bristles are short and come in different lengths. They flex upon contact to tangles, removing them painlessly, without pulling the hair and thus preventing hair breakage. That's what makes it so special. When I use the Tangle Teezer, I find less hair on my brush!
Mine is pink, but you can buy it in different colours (six I think) and it costs around 10 pounds.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Have you tried Tangle Teezer? Do you think it's worth the hype?

Best-selling Tangle Teezer hair brush - review
Tangle Teezer!...S-a facut atata valva pe internet legata de aceasta perie! Femei din toata lumea vorbesc despre ea pe youtube, Amazon, bloguri etc. In reviste este descrisa ca fiind un produs premiat. M-am hotarat sa o incerc si, din fericire, o prietena mi-a facut-o cadou (a cumparat-o de pe Amazon UK ), iar acum pot sa-i fac si eu un review.
Dupa cum este specificat in descrierea ei, Tangle Teezer Original este o perie profesionala de descalcit parul, perie ce a facut valva peste noapte.
Este promovata ca fiind o inovatie in domeniu, ea descalcind parul fara a-l agresa, fara a produce durere la pieptanat, putand fi folosita atat pe parul umed, cat si pe uscat.
Eu o folosesc pe parul umed, dupa ce aplic masca de par sau balsamul, si ma ajuta sa distribui uniform masca/balsamul pe par. Nu o folosesc pe parul uscat deoarece il face sa se electrizeze.
Tangle Teezer este perfecta si pentru copii, ei avand scalpul sensibil. Fetita mea are 2 ani si e fan Tangle Teezer. Iar ei nu i se electrizeaza parul, probabil datorita faptului ca parul ei este mai sanatos decat al meu (al meu este decolorat).
Perii sunt scurti si variaza ca dimensiune. Ei se indoaie la contactul cu parul incalcit, descalcindu-l fara durere, fara a trage de par si, drept urmare, parul nu se mai rupe. Asta o face asa de speciala. Cand folosesc Tangle Teezer, pe perie ramane mai putin par!
A mea este roz, dar se poate cumpara in diferite culori (cred ca 6 la numar) si costa aproximativ 10 lire sterline.
Multumesc ca mi-ati vizitat blogul!

Ati incercat peria de par Tangle Teezer? Vi se pare ca merita toata reclama care i se face?


  1. Hello Oli! I have been reading your blog for a while and I find it interesting. Also have been deciding on Tangle Teezer and really liked your review. I decided to give it a try;). Thank you,
    xoxo Nika

  2. Hi Nika! Thanks for your comment:) I am glad I convinced you to try the Tangle Teezer. I'm reading your blog right now:)
    xxx Oli

  3. Great review!

    This is an amazing brush!

