Saturday, January 26, 2013

MAC Quarry eyeshadow review, photos, swatches

MAC Quarry is my first MAC eyeshadow. I was looking for a matte eyeshadow to use it on my entire lid or in the crease, for a day look.

MAC Quarry 

It is hard to describe it, on MAC official website it is described as “soft muted plum brown”. It is a nice eyeshadow, it works very well especially for those who have a light skin tone (and blue or green eyes). The pigmentation is not so good, but it doesn't bother me cause I like natural make-up. The texture is nice, maybe a little chalky.

MAC Quarry
Here's the swatch in natural light:
Swatch: MAC Quarry in the daylight, without flash
It is a versatile colour, I use it almost everyday, can be mixed with different colours for different looks. I like to use Sin eyeshadow from Urban Decay Naked Palette all over my lid and Quarry in the crease. In the future I would like to pair it with another MAC eyeshadow (there's no MAC counter in my city yet), maybe Jest or Shroom.I can't wait to buy another MAC eyeshadow! They are expensive, but they are so good, the colour payoff is good and the quantity is big, I'm sure I will use them for a long time.
Hope you liked my review! Have a nice day!

MAC Quarry Eyeshadow review
Mac Quarry este primul meu fard de ochi de la MAC. Cautam un fard de ochi mat pentru a-l folosi pe toata pleoapa sau doar in pliul ochiului, pentru un look de zi.Este cam greu de descris, pe site-ul oficial MAC este descris ca un maro pruna mai estompat. 

E o culoare placuta, se potriveste in special celor cu piele deschisa la culoare (si ochi albastri sau verzi). Nu este foarte pigmentat, dar nu ma deranjeaza, deoarece prefer machiajul natural. Textura este fina, poate putin prafoasa.
Este o culoare versatila, o folosesc aproape in fiecare zi, poate fi combinat cu diferite culori pentru diferite look-uri. Imi place sa folosesc Sin din paleta Naked de la Urban Decay pe toata pleoapa mobila si Quarry in pliul ochiului. Mi-ar placea ca in viitor sa il combin cu un alt fard MAC, poate Jest sau Shroom. Abia astept sa imi cumpar alt fard de ochi MAC (deocamdata nu exista magazin MAC in orasul meu). Sunt scumpe, dar sunt foarte calitative, rezista mult pe pleoape si cantitatea este mare, sunt sigura ca l-as folosi timp indelungat.
Sper ca v-a placut review-ul de astazi! Sa aveti o zi buna!


  1. Cu Shroom-ul meu cred ca da tare bine :D.

  2. Tare imi doresc un quad MAC (din pacate nu exista MAC in Timisoara), Shroom chiar e una dintre nuantele dorite!

  3. Aaaa, si cred ca intr-adevar se potrivesc:)

  4. nice swatches and review :)
