Friday, January 25, 2013

La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream review, photos, swatches

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I've heard a lot about BB Creams, especially Asian BB creams, which are the best. One of the most important characteristic of BB creams is that they give you all-in-one results: they are moisturizing, even out skin tone, improve the skin texture, offer anti-aging benefits and protect the skin from UV sunligt and pollutions in the air.
Today I decided to write about a new arrival on the market – La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream. I've used it for couple of weeks already and I really like it. 
Unlike L'Oreal Nude Magique BB Cream which has particles/beads in it (I must say I like L'Oreal products very much, but the consistency of their BB cream didn't appeal to me, it seemed too harsh and dry for my skin), Hydreane's texture is so creamy and hydrating (can be used as daily moisturizer), not greasy, glides so easily and blends into the skin perfectly.

La Roche-Posay-Hydreane-BB-Cream
La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream , heavy swatch in the daylight

I've used the light shade and was perfect for my neutral pale skin. It is good for all skin types, including sensitive skin as it contains thermal water, is paraben-free and has spf 20.

La Roche-Posay-Hydreane-BB-Cream
Daylight swatch, blended - La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream

The coverage is sheer to medium, the cream evens my complexion and gives me a nice, natural skin, not orange-toned.
Will I repurchase? Probably case I don't want to try something else.

- is moisturizing
- creamy
- blends nicely
- improves skin texture
- has spf
- paraben-free

- nothing

Hope you liked my review. Till next time...bye bye!

La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream review
Despre BB cream-uri am auzit multe lucruri, in special despre cele asiatice, care sunt in top. Una din principalele caracteristici ale lor este ca ofera un rezultat “all-in-one”: sunt hidratante, uniformizeaza tenul, imbunatatesc aspectul pielii, ofera proprietati anti-imbatranire si protejeaza tenul de efectele nocive ale soarelui si ale poluantilor din mediul inconjurator. 

Astazi am decis sa scriu despre un produs nou aparut pe piata - La Roche-Posay Hydreane BB Cream. O folosesc de cateva saptamani si imi place foarte mult. Spre deosebire de L'Oreal Nude Magique BB Cream, care are particule abrazive in compozitie (trebuie sa spun ca imi plac foarte mult produsele L'Oreal, dar consistenta BB Cream-ului nu a fost pe placul meu, a fost prea aspra si uscata pentru tenul meu), textura celei de la La Roche-Posay este cremoasa si hidratanta (poate fi folosita zilnic pe post de crema hidratanta), nu e grasa, se intinde usor si patrunde repede in piele. 

Am folosit nuanta mai deschisa si a fost perfecta pentru tenul meu pal/neutru. Se poate folosi pentru toate tipurile de ten, inclusiv de catre persoanele cu ten sensibil, deoarece are apa termala in compozitie, nu contine parabeni si are factor de protectie 20. Acoperirea este usoara spre medie, uniformizeaza tenul si ofera o pielii un aspect placut, natural, fara tenta portocalie.
O voi recumpara? caz ca nu vreau sa incerc si altceva.

Aspecte pozitive:
- e hidratanta
- e cremoasa
- intra usor in piele
- imbunatateste aspectul pielii
- are factor de protectie solara
- nu contine parabeni

Aspecte negative: - consider ca nu sunt

Sper ca v-a placut review-ul meu. Pana data viitoare...bye bye!